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The year is 1983, about 10 years after the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past .
. Thanks to Mystique publicly saving President Nixon from an attack by Magneto, its a world in which homo sapiens know about mutants and have largely accepted them into their society. Of course, prejudice still remains underneath the surface, and there are mutants still suffering.
Its during this time that a great evil awakens. Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac), considered to be the first mutant, emerges after thousands of years to find his race facing discrimination instead of being worshipped as the deities he believes they are. Whats a seemingly immortal mutant with god-like powers to do in this case? Recruit four powerful followers and set a Biblical cleansing of the world into motion, one that will wipe out the weak while the strong rises from the ashes.
Last summer, we visited the Montreal-based sets of X-Men: Apocalypse on the 56th and 57th days of shooting to see what director Bryan Singer has in store. Its going to be a brave new world for these characters, so ahead of the films May 27th premiere, here are some major details about the coming "end of days."In every incarnation of Apocalypse, the villain has a hefty arsenal of abilities. In the trailer, all weve really seen of Isaacs version is his uncanny ability to grow to immense size. Though, because the scene involved a walking Professor X, some fans speculated it was happening in the astral plane. So, what are Apocalypses powers exactly?
While persuasion was mentioned during the Comic-Con panel as his most important power, Singer clarified that its not explicitly made clear whether this is a mutant ability or simply charisma. Even if its the latter, the character still has many others to play with, one of which is the power to imbue other mutants "to heighten their powers and abilities beyond anything imaginable." He can shield himself from psychic attacks, making it difficult for people like Xavier to penetrate his mind. Though, Singer clarified again that Apocalypse is not a psychic.
"His ability to physically damage, destroy, or build is in the non-biological world," Singer said. "Thats in the physical world. He can change
the inorganic molecules of things and so, you know, these are some of the powers that were exploring." How is it possible for one mutant to acquire so many abilities? "He moves from body to body," Singer said. "Apocalypse himself is not a physical form. Hes an energy." The director continued: What he does is he accumulates powers by moving from body to body, and whats wonderful is he thinks, in the beginning of the film, hes found this great body. Hes found, I dont want to give away this particular body... but its a familiar one that youve seen a number of very famous mutants have. It kind of ends up being the wrong one, because he gets stuck in it for a long time, but then suddenly he has this opportunity, and that becomes his agenda.
While Apocalypse may seem like the God of the Old Testament thats how Singer best thinks of him hes not really a deity. "If there isnt the order and the worship, then hell open up the Earth and swallow you whole," Singer said. After discussing the character with Isaac, the concept evolved. "Hes the first mutant, perhaps, but hes not God necessarily. Hes imbued with certain unique powers, some of them may or may not be from his birth - we dont know."
The X-Men franchise has had quite a bit of fun playing around with history, X-Men Origins: Wolverine bringing us back to the last 1970s, X-Men: First Class being set in 1962 and X-Men: Days of Future Past taking audiences to 1973.
taking audiences to 1973. We've known for a while now thatwould be continuing this trend, director Bryan Singer revealing in Marchthat the film would be set during the 1980s. Now, however, that date has gotten quite a bit more specific.
Comic Book Moviehas picked up a tidbit from the latest episode of The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmithwhere guest writer/producer Simon Kinberg has revealed that X-Men: Apocalypse will be set in the year 1983. Those of you keeping track will note that this is 10 years after the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past . This means that while the X-Men: First Class cast - like James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult - will be continuing their roles, they will also be playing characters 21 years older than when we first met them. It may finally be time for Magneto to start sprouting some grey hair and for Professor X to start losing his. Mystique and Beast presumably won't be affected on the same level, but that's only because their costumes require so much makeup anyway.
Being set in the early 1980s opens up a lot of options for X-Men: Apocalypse , but easily the most significant is what can be done with younger versions of classic characters. Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm and other notable mutants were all flocking to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters around that time period, and presumably part of the plot of the new movie will have them enrolling and learning how to hone their powers. There are some other elements to think about, however...
SPOILER WARNING: If you haven't seen X-Men: Days of Future Past yet, you might want to be careful about reading the rest of this article!
Those who have seen the latest X-Men movie know that the end of the film completely rewrites every bit of continuity established over the last 14 years, meaning that a 10 year jump in the timeline from 1973 to 1983 could be very big. How did the Sentinel program stoppage affect the world as a whole? Did things become more harmonious between humans and mutants, or are things just as bad as they ever were? And what happens after Mystique takes Wolverine away on that boat? Will he still go through the Weapon X program and get his Adamantium claws? X-Men fans everywhere are dying to know the answers to these questions, but it will probably be a good long while until we actually get them.
X-Men: Apocalypse is currently on the release schedule for May 27, 2016 (almost exactly two years after the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past ), which means that production will likely start up some time early next year.
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The villains in the X-Men franchise have been, to date, as famous as the heroes.
franchise have been, to date, as famous as the heroes. When you cast the likes of Sir Ian McKellen, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence to play Magneto and Mystique, respectively, you can understand why nabbing a high-profile star is important. Soneeded to swing for the fences when nabbing the right actor to play Apocalypse, and they sure have made an interesting choice.
Varietyreports that Oscar Isaac will play Apocalypse in Bryan Singers next X-Men movie, due in theaters on May 27, 2016. Isaac, of course, will be coming off a mysterious role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens . He also recently generated Oscar talk for his role in Inside Llewyn Davis , directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.
This apparently answers a question we brought up on an old episode of Hero Blend as to whether Oscar Isaacs experience on Star Wars: The Force Awakens would whet his whistle for more big-budget, effects-driven spectacle, or if it would drive him back to the loving arms of the independent film world, where he stars in films like A Most Violent Year . Isaac could have continued to attract roles in Coen Brothers films. Or he could have made the leap to the blockbuster side of the pond, and possibly use the money earned in tentpoles to fund his own interesting experiments.
Though Tom Hardys name was recently in play for the role of Apocalypse, most of the chatter surrounding the sequel to X-Men: Days of Future Past swirled around who would play younger versionsof Cyclops and Jean Grey. Those decisions remain a mystery, though at least we now know who the mutant heroes will be fighting.
Theres no question that Oscar Isaacs a terrific actor. His frame and physicality, however, do not suggest the hulking behemoth that is Apocalypse. I wonder if this means that Isaac will be using some form of motion-capture to replicate the villain, in much the same way that James Spader is playing Ultron, or Andy Serkis plays Caesar in the Planet of the Apes movies. Theres still a lot to figure out when it comes to the next X-Men movie, but key details are starting to drop. What do you think of the Oscar Isaac casting?
There has been some controversy surrounding the look of the titular villain in Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse .
. In addition there being some initial debateregarding whether the character should be crafted in live-action or motion capture, the look that was revealed a couple of months ago shocked fans by looking surprisingly cartoon-y. Still, however, Simon Kinberg stands by the look, saying that it is the franchise's attempt to do something a bit more "cosmic."
As a producer on Ridley Scott's, Kinberg was up at the Toronto International Film Festivalthis past week, and it was while speaking with MTVthat the writer/producer revealed's approach to the central villain. Discussing the look of the character - who is being played by Oscar Isaac - the filmmaker revealed that X-Men: Days of Future Past was a strong influence from a sci-fi perspective, saying,
I feel like we have been, the X-Men franchise, has been growing a little bit more into science fiction. I think Days of Future Past with time travel and the Sentinels took us into a slightly broader, more science fiction world than the films had occupied in the past. We felt like the movies were ready for something that was slightly more, lets say, cosmic.
As such, when it came to designing Apocalypse, Simon Kinberg said that they wanted to avoid just making him "just a guy in a helmet," and make him look true to the way he appears in Marvel Comics. This is a somewhat odd statement when you consider that the guy you see above doesn't really look a whole lot like the guy you see below (particularly when it comes to his face and height):
I have to admit that I don't really love the look of Apocalypse that has been presented to this point, but there are currently two things that are keeping me on-board with the interpretation. 1) Oscar Isaac is really a phenomenal actor, and it's hard not to have faith in the guy really bringing it as the First Mutant. 2) Let's not forget that one of Apocalypse's many powers is molecular manipulation - meaning that this probably won't be the only look that the character winds up sporting in the feature.
Hopefully it won't be long before we get to see Apocalypse in action, as rumors have suggested that the first trailermay be arriving in early October. Stay tuned!
Thanks to Entertainment Weeklys latest issue, we got our first in-depth look at X-Men: Apocalypse and all the newer, younger mutants that come with it.
and all the newer, younger mutants that come with it. While this film will act as a conclusion to the previous two installments, it will also see an origin for some the more famous characters of the X-Men universe. Tye Sheridan, the young actor who plays Cyclops, recently spoke about this version of Scott Summers and where well first find him.
During an interview with Indiewireabout Sheridans latest film, The Stanford Prison Experiment , he explained,
My character is angry and a bit lost, which I feel like is where I've met a lot of my characters -- in these sort of young life transitions where they're struggling to figure things out about themselves. He's now learning about being a mutant and trying to handle his superhero powers. The arc for the character is really cool for me -- it's not like I'm just stepping into it and I'm a superhero and it's cool and all that with the suit. You kind of see the progression of this character -- where he comes from, what he has to overcome and where he goes at the end of the film. It's a great arc.
Last month, director Bryan Singer finally announced who will be playing the teen incarnations of Cyclops, Storm and Jean Grey in X-Men: Apocalypse .
. Appearing alongside the younger (but still seasoned) versions of Professor X, Magneto and more will be Tye Sheridan as Cyclops, Alexandra Shipp as Storm and Sophie Turner as Jean Grey. While the specifics of how they were chosen havent been revealed, Singer and the casting team were likely impressed by their previous acting roles as well by their audition. In Turners case, she believes that playing Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones played a huge role in scoring the part.
In an interview with IGN, Turner stated that her being cast might have had something to do with her Game of Thrones character starting to becoming a touch more evil in Season 4 of the HBO series. Said Turner,
I think maybe one of the reasons that they chose me for [Jean] is because they saw the dark side of Sansa. Maybe they're thinking, 'Oh, Phoenix, Jean Grey.' I definitely see a lot of parallels in there.
Spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 4 are ahead!
After seasons of being held captive by the Lannisters and being robbed of her autonomy, Season 4 of Game of Thrones finally had Sansa "playing the game"by assisting Petyr Baelish with hiding the truth about Lysa Arryns death and joining forces with him to secure power in the Seven Kingdoms. This personality shift also came with a new black wardrobe. As for Jean Grey, she slowly became corrupted by the Phoenix power within her until she sacrificed her life so she wouldnt harm any others
or in X-Men: The Last Stand s case, asked Wolverine to kill her. Turner also mentioned how Jean not finding acceptance as a mutant is similar to Sansa being forced into a life she didnt want. Said the actress,
[Jean] struggles with her power... and not being accepted in the human world. I think in terms of [ Game of Thrones ], that's kind of the way Sansa felt in that she really wanted to be a normal princess/queen and live a normal life -- and she doesn't, because of all this havoc happens. I think Jean, in a way, feels that.
As far as emulating her predecessor Famke Janssen, Turner said that while Janssens turn as Jean Grey will play an influence on how she plays the telekinetic mutant, she also wants to put her "own twist" on her. Since this a teenage Jean, Turner will be able to take more liberties with her personality, since she hasnt developed yet into the adult Jean from the original movies - although there may be some acknowledgement of the Phoenix side buried deep within her. Its guaranteed that Jean will be going through rough events in X-Men: Apocalypse , but at least she doesnt have to worry about seeing her father beheaded or being forced to marry someone against her will. There are things a lot worse than being a mutant.
X-Men: Apocalypse will be released in theaters on May 27, 2016.
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The X-Men films recently got a major do-over .
. When Wolverine stopped the mutant genocide in Days of Future Past , he reset the timeline, allowing previously killed characters to come back and past storylines (like The Last Stand ) to be forgotten. While it wasnt entirely clear what this all meant at the time, Simon Kinberg put things into perspective on the set of X-Men: Apocalypse .
To a small group of press, the writer-producer addressed whether or not stories already tackled in X-Men movies, specifically The Dark Phoenix Saga in X3 , could be revamped in future films. Sure. I think everything that hasnt been told from First Class and Days of Future Past is up for grabs going forward. So, it would absolutely be a story that we could tell in a different way.
Last week, Fox released a videoof Simon Kinberg answering fan questions about the film, and he remarked that this new timeline is now considered "canon" and "law." He further explained on set:
[ Apocalypse is] not leading, necessarily, toward exactly where we found Patrick Stewart and the X-Men at the beginning of X1. There are some things obviously that lead in that general direction that was part of sort of the philosophy I guess at the end of Days of Future Past is that you cant fully change the course or current of the river but you can just divert it a little bit. And thats what we diverted a little bit.
Though the future of X-Men is a little cloudy beyond the string of standalone films in development, the seeds for a Dark Phoenix retelling will be planted in Apocalypse , regardless if or when it happens. Sophie Turner of Game of Thrones portrays a younger version of Famke Janssens Jean Grey and her character will be struggling to control the immense psychic power she wields. Kinberg teased, We definitely explore how powerful she is in this movie, and that can be something that is empowering and something that is dangerous.
Lana Condor, playing Jeans energy-blasting best friend Jubilee, said, "Just like all the rest of us, [Jeans] learning how to control her powers." She continued, Shes incredibly powerful, but she has no clue. So, its almost kind of, like, alienating, I think, at least for her in school, like, when shes at school with all of us because she doesnt know her strength sometimes and she cant control it. I think sometimes she lets loose and it freaks people out and
I feel she might feel shes alienated. But not by me because Im a good friend.
X-Men: Apocalypse , Bryan Singers fourth time directing an X-Men film, isnt his first go with precious comic book source material. While X2 reinterpreted elements from God Loves, Man Kills , it was also setting up the sequel to be all about The Dark Phoenix Saga . When he decided to helm Superman Returns instead, Brett Ratner came in for X-Men: The Last Stand .
Simon Kinberg said later how excited he was to include the Jean and Scott story in X-Men: Apocalypse . I never really got to write I mean, I wrote X3, but we didnt really get to focus on those characters the way I wouldve wanted, partly because James Marsden was, ironically, busy doing Superman . And Famke, the Dark Phoenix story the way that Matthew Vaughn, who was originally the X3 director, the way that Matthew Vaughn and Zak Penn, who co-wrote that movie, and I wanted to tell the Dark Phoenix stories a little different than the way theyre being told. So we really didnt get to dig into those characters, and theyre such huge, iconic characters in the franchise, and we didnt do it in Days of Future Past , for obvious reasons, until the end.
As to whether Bryan Singer is interested in finally getting to execute his vision for the Phoenix, he was ambivalent to answer. "You never know, but as far as the idea of that brewing within her, I could, without giving anything away, say absolutely, you may find a piece of that in this film."
X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters on May 27.
About a month ago, X-Men: Apocalypse screenwriter Simon Kinberg went on the record describing the approach that the new film will be taking towards the new, younger versions of previously established mutants.
the approach that the new film will be taking towards the new, younger versions of previously established mutants. It was noted that Storm - who will be played by Alexandra Shippin the upcoming film - is going to be portrayed as a "troubled character" who finds herself heading down the road in life. By itself, this isn't much to go on, but now there is new evidence that makes us wonder if the 2016 blockbuster might feature the weather-controlling hero taking a trip to the dark side as one member of the titular villain's personal guard, The Horsemen of Apocalypse.
The aforementioned evidence is a brand new post that director Bryan Singer has put up on his Instagrampage, teasing a "big day" on the set of X-Men: Apocalypse :
A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on Jun 1, 2015 at 12:46pm PDT
When it was announced last week that Spider-Man would be coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and was going to be recast, one of the actors I suggested as potentially a great fit for the role was Kodi Smit-McPhee.
as potentially a great fit for the role was Kodi Smit-McPhee. Well, now it seems that's definitely not happening, as the young actor has instead been pulled into a different comic book movie franchise: X-Men .
Director Bryan Singer has officially announced via his personal Instagramthat X-Men: Apocalypse has cast Kodi Smit-McPhee to play a young Kurt Wagner, a.k.a. Nightcrawler. You can see the announcement below:
A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on Feb 17, 2015 at 8:21pm PST
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Three cheers for the future of Marvel franchises!
Marvelhas just announced that after a long negotiation period, Robert Downey Jr. has committed to play Tony "Iron Man" Stark for two more feature films, specifically The Avengers 2 and The Avengers 3 . What's not mentioned in Marvel's press releaseand is sure to be a matter of speculation until someone fesses upis just how much Downey commanded to step back into that cumbersome suit.
For weeks, Downey and Marvel were reportedly in hardball negotiations over his involvement in the studio's projects following Iron Man 3 . The star could be credited with forging the foundation of Marvel's current box office momentum with his three Iron Man films. Because his previous contract was fulfilled, he had the company over a barrel when it came to the Avengers sequels. Sure, they could recast, but that would have surely drawn the overwhelming outrage of fans all around the world who would accept no one else as Iron Man but Downey, with his unique blend of smug charm and biting wit. In their press release Marvel even gives credit to the actor for the successes of Iron Man 3 and The Avengers , noting that that two of their titles are on the list of the top five grossing films of all time. Considering Downey reportedly made $50 millionfor The Avengers , the mind boggles at what he got Marvel to commit to this time around.
While we've had to wait for things to get official, we were fairly certain Downey was all but signed when Avengers director Joss Whedon announced he wouldn't make Avengers 2 without him, adding:
"Nor do I think Ill be called upon to do that. I dont think its in my interest, Marvels interest, or his interest, and I think everything will be fine."
From here, Marvel is surely working on nailing down deals with the rest of the proposed Avengers ensemble, including Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, and Mark Ruffalo. If previous reportsthat these stars have banded together with Downey to negotiate for higher pay prove true, each of the Avengers could end up making far more than they did the last go around. Marvel's site declares it will be the venue for future casting news, but we're betting they'll be less than forthcoming on their stars' salaries for their upcoming slate.
What's still unknown is whether Downey and Marvel will mount an Iron Man 4 . The third film's final moment's suggests that Tony's individual arc has come to a cozy close, but perhaps the next two Avengers sequels will present a new platform for a further Iron Man adventure. For now, let's celebrate by remembering some of RDJ's best moments as Iron Man so far:
, and that level of appreciation has led to an expanded role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In addition to being a full-fledged Avenger, she has also become a key character in Captain Americas adventures (shes been confirmed for a role in Captain America: Civil War ). Unless some serious tragedy strikes between now and The Avengers: Infinity War , it feels like a safe bet that she will be involved in the epic adventure, though he part has not yet been confirmed.
While Marvel has delighted fans with the return of characters like Iron Man, Thor and Captain America in Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a question that has been repeatedly brought up by fans is, "Wheres Hulk?" The green monster became a fan favorite after Joss Whedons The Avengers in 2012, and yet the film studio decided that he would be the only one of the four core team members without a solo movie sequel.
in 2012, and yet the film studio decided that he would be the only one of the four core team members without a solo movie sequel. Why? It turns out it was decided that he could be kept temporarily as a character unique to Avengers films.
It was director Joss Whedon who let this interesting tidbit slip while we had the chance to talk to him this summer while visiting the setofwith a small group of other film journalists. The writer/director was discussing the use of Hulk in the movie and the fact that he didnt have his own Phase 2 solo film, and he remembered a conversation he had with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige. Whedon quoted the executive, saying that he was told, "We think right now its good to have somebody who we could only have in The Avengers ."
Interestingly enough, this was news that Joss Whedon was more than happy to hear. While he assured us that he wasnt the one telling the folks at Marvel Studios not to make a Hulkmovie, he revealed that it does make his job easier that at least one of his characters from the first Avengers didnt go off on some kind of blockbuster adventure as seen in Iron Man 3 , Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier . Said Whedon,
Everybody loves Mark [Ruffalo]. Hes phenomenal. But the fact that there hasnt been a Hulk since that Hulk, it doesnt suck. I mean, my job is hard enough. Caps had a movie, Thors had a movie. Everyones gone through big changes. Iron Man had a movie. So I have to juggle everybodys perception of that while still making a movie that you can see having not seen any [other Marvel movies] except the first Avengers - or not even that."
Of course, fans will be quick to note that Hulk wasnt the only Avengers team member not to get any spotlight time during Phase 2, as Jeremy Renners Hawkeye exists in the same boat. While the absence of both characters has upset fans, the good news is that its been promised that the two heroes will have very important rolesin The Avengers: Age of Ultron .
Its worth noting that Hulk wont be getting his own solo moviein Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe either, so both the present and the future remain very much a mystery for the character. We cant wait to see how it all unfolds, and it begins with the release ofon May 1, 2015.
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Apple has added a wealth of new features to the latest operating system include the ability to use two windows side by side in a more intuitive way, as well as Pinned Sites.
Apple has opened this years WWDC 2015 event by unveiling their new operating system in the form of OS X El Capitan that will soon replace Yosemite.
OS X El Capitan is available as a developer beta today and will be available as a public beta this summer, and will be a free download worldwide during the fall 2015. New features of Apple OS X El Capitan include Spotlight, Split View, and window management together with :
– New gestures make it easier than ever to do quick actions like deleting a message in Mail.
– With Pinned Sites in Safari, the sites you check often are always available and up to date in a tab.
– Spotlight now searches more places for even more useful results, including weather and sports scores.
– The ability to close noise tabs in Safari, similar to that already provided in the Chrome browser by Google
– The Spaces Bar makes it easier than ever to create multiple desktops, giving you more room to work.
– A more refined experience. Faster performance. That’s OS X El Capitan
Source: Apple
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
Apple announced the next major release of their mobile OS at WWDC yesterday, iOS 9 and now we have some more details in what is coming in the update.
iOS 9 comes with a wide range of new features, which include a new News app, an updated Notes app, an updated Maps app, a new Wallet app and much more.
One of the major new features in iOS 9 is the new Split View multitasking which allows you to view two apps side by side on the iPad.
Dom Espositofrom 9 to 5 has put together a great video showing off some of the major new features in iOS 9, you can see the video below.
Apple have said that they will release iOS 9 in the fall and whilst they have not give a specific release date, we can expect it to be made available some tim in September with the launch of the new iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus.
Source 9 to 5 Mac
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
Spark is a professional 3D printing software platform developed by Autodesk and provide APIs for each stage of the 3D printing workflow to enable businesses quickly add 3D printing functionality to applications.
Autodesk and Microsoft have joined forces to integrate the AutodeskSpark 3D Printing platform into Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 operating system that has just launched worldwide.
It will be interesting to see how the new Spark integration functions with 3D printers and the Windows 10 operating system that launched late last month on July 29th and has been installed on over 14 million systems in just the first 48 hours after launch. Autodesk explains more about the Spark platform :
While additive manufacturing offers unprecedented opportunities, it is still complex, expensive and not always reliable. Until now, proprietary technologies and fragmented processes have limited innovation and adoption in 3D printing. To address these challenges, Autodesk developed Spark, the first open professional 3D printing software platform.
Spark will offer a set of industry standards for all aspects of the 3D printing ecosystem: software, hardware, materials and services. Together, this community of innovators can improve how things are made and even change the very nature of what we create.
For more information on Spark visit the official Autodesk Spark website.
Source: 3DP
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
The video below show Macintosh OS, System 7.5.5 running on the Apple Watch using Mini vMac Macintosh emulator.
We recently saw Flappy Birdrunning on a hacked Apple Watch and now software developer Nick Leehas managed to install a 20 year old Mac OS on the Apple Watch.
The Macintosh OS, System 7.5.5 was released back in 1996, when it was released it needed a powerful Mac to run the software, seeing it running on the Apple Watch shows just how far computers have come in the last 20 years.
Source MacRumors
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
The Apple Watch is said to come with around 18 hours of battery life and other devices have similar battery life and now one company is launching a device which will last for 30 days, the Vector Smartwatch.
The Vector Smartwatch will apparently give you up to 30 days of battery life and these new devices will work with Android, iOS and Windows Phone handsets.
Combining software and hardware development with traditional watch design and behavioural insights, we are creating elegant and intelligent watches that intuitively integrate with your personal life. Desirable pieces of jewellery that give you time and aim to offer the right information, at the right moment, in the right way. Grounded in the past and with the right balance of technology to earn a genuine place in our everyday lives, Vector watches feel familiar, yet progressive, and can be confidently used to streamline daily activities and tasks so you can focus on what truly matters.
There will be three different versions of the Vector Smartwatch and prices for these new smart watches start at $199, you can find out more details at the link below.
Source Vector, Liliputing
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
Over the weekend Toshiba has revealed that they will be launching Windows 10 laptops that are equipped with a dedicated Microsoft Cortana button, enabling owners to instantly trigger a voice recognition command or ask a question.
As already revealed by Microsoft the Cortana voice activated personal assistant that is competition to Apple’s Siri personal assistant. Will be a major feature within the new Windows 10 operating system that is currently in the final stages of development and expected to launch on July 29th, 2015.
The dedicated Cortana button will be available on all Toshiba Windows 10 laptops across the full range from value to high specification systems. Explained Jeff Barney, the general manager and vice president in charge of Toshiba America’s PC business, who said that the Cortana button will be included on systems “across the board, top to bottom,”.
The new Cortana button will make it even easier for owners to be able to access the features and voice recognition commands that will be rolling out with Windows 10. As well as remove any problems that have been caused using Cortana’s always on “actively listening” feature for user input.
As more information becomes available on when you will be able to get your hands on one of the Toshiba laptops equipped with the dedicated Cortana button we will keep you updated as always.
Source: PC World
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
The Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition will retail for €299.99 and the handset comes with the same specifications as the Android powered MX4.
Earlier this month we heard that the Meizu MX4Ubuntu Edition would be launching in Europe this month, the handset will go on sale tomorrow.
The Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition features a 5.3 inch IPS display that has a resolution of 1920 x 1152 pixels and the handset comes with a 2GHz MediaTek MT6595 processor.
The device also comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of built in storage, there are also front and rear facing cameras. Up front there is a 2 megapixel camera for video calls, on the rear of the handset is 20.7 megapixel camera.
The handset comes with Ubuntu Linux and a custom user interface, it also features a 3100 mAh battery, you can find out more details over at Meizu’s website.
Source The Verge
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
Jolla has this week announced that the company will be concentrating on developing its Sailfish OS and will be creating a new company to manufacture and develop hardware devices in the future.
Finnish mobile company and developer of open mobile operating system Sailfish OS Announced the restructuring explaining that Jolla Ltd. will concentrate on the development of the independent and open mobile Sailfish OS operating system.
While a new company will be established it continue Jolla’s hardware device business that has been particularly popular with consumers and corporations that are privacy conscious. Dr. Antti Saarnio, Chairman of Board of Jolla Ltd. explains :
Every young company has to find its clear focus at some time, and for Jolla that time is now. We have huge opportunities in the Sailfish OS licensing business, and I am very proud and excited to take responsibility of steering the Jolla ship to a new commercial phase. After three years of intensive Sailfish OS research & development we are now moving full speed to new bigger waters, which requires full focus on software from the team.
We have already proven that there is demand for unlike Jolla devices in the market and we continue to see good opportunities for it. We have now decided to continue the Jolla devices business under a new company, focusing on security enhanced devices.
More details about the progress with the Sailfish OS will be unveiled during the upcoming Mobile World Congress in Shanghai next week taking place from July 15th to 17th 2015.
Source: Jolla
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Ever since the iPhone 4 went on sale on the 24th of June, a number of users have reported problems with the cellular signal strength when the iPhone 4 is held in a certain way.
We have seen a statement from Apple, and emails from Steve Jobswhich have told us to hold the iPhone 4 in a different way, and then yesterday Apple [AAPL] finally released a press release acknowledging the issue, although the response wasn’t what anyone expected.
In the press release, Apple stated that the reason that the bars on the iPhone 4 dropped when it was held in a certain waywas because their display of signal strength was wrong, and that the iPhone 4 was actually displaying more signal bars than the actual signal.
This is a somewhat strange response from Apple, and has left a lot of iPhone 4 customers annoyedand also confused at the response.
First off lets look at the facts, if the iPhone 4 is displaying more bars than it should, then why would this change when you hold the iPhone 4 in a certain way, surely this problem should be consistent whichever way you hold the iPhone 4?
Secondly even if this is just a signal display issue, why would iPhone 4 users be experiencing dropped calls and degraded data when they are holding it a certain way and not experiencing it when they arent?
It just doesn’t add up, and we think that Apple’s upcoming software fix, won’t fix the issue if all it includes is a change to the way the signal is display, all we will have is a lower signal and users will still be experiencing the dropped calls.
Of course Apple could also have something else coming in the software fix that may solve the problem, but they have decided not to tell us about it, who knows.
It will be interesting to see if the software fix actually solves the problem or if it just gives us the impression it does, and users will still experience dropped calls when holding the iPhone 4 in a certain way.
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We have just hooked our shiny new iPhone 4 up to iTunes and activated it, and have had a chance to test it out briefly, so we thought we would let you guys know what our initial impressions are of the new iPhone 4.
As you can see from the photos, the new iPhone 4 features a completely new design, the built quality feels better than that of the iPhone 3GS, and we really like the new design.
The new screen looks amazing, a lot sharper than that on the iPhone 3GS, I would say this is the best display we have seen so far on a smartphone, it is really crisp and clear, images and text look amazing on it.
After running a few apps on the iPhone 4, it feels considerably faster than the iPhone 3GS, applications and games loads a lot faster, and games seem to run a lot better on it.
iOS 4 is exactly the same as on the iPhone 3GS we have been using for the last few days, although everything seems to be slightly faster, including switching between applications.
So far from what we have seen, Apple have done a great job with the iPhone 4, the new design changes, new features, improved screen and faster processor make it feel like a totally different phone to the 3GS.
Apple needed to produce a completely new phone with the iPhone 4 as the 3GS just felt like a faster version of the iPhone 3G, we will let you guys know what we think about the rest of the features in the iPhone 4 once we have had a good chance to test it out.
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Apple has now released the iPhone 4S, have a look at our iPhone 4S review , and also take a look at our article on the difference between the iPhone 4 and 4S .
Apple’s [AAPL] goes on sale tomorrow, although many have already been delivered to customers who have pre-ordered one (ours is on the way), we have already started to see some reviews appear from some of the usual reviewers who have managed to get their hands on the new iPhone 4 before launch day.
The iPhone 4 is a major update over the 3GS, with a new processor, screen, a completely upgraded OS in iOS 4 and a completely new design, we will be publishing our own review once our iPhone 4 turns up and we have had a chance to try it out, in the meantime check out the reviews below.
New iPhone keeps Apple top of class– All Things D
iPhone 4 Review– Engadget
Apple makes all the right calls on iPhone 4– USA Today
Apple iPhone 4: Hands on review– Boing Boing
New iPhone Arrives; Rivals, Beware– NYT
Apple iPhone 4 Review– Geeky Gadgets
Make sure you check back tomorrow for full details on what we think of the new iPhone 4.
via PC World
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Hasbro has teamed up with a number of different companies, which include Dreamworks, the Discovery Network, IMAX and Sony, and they will be creating a range of special 3D applications for the MY3D.
Hasbro is launching a new accessory for the Apple iPhoneand iPod Touch, the Hasbro My3D, which promises to add 3D capabilities to the iPhone and iPod Touch.
The applications will include a range of content, including movie clips, games, and behind the scenes videos. The Hasbro My3D will go on sale next spring for a reasonable $30, obviously each of the applications will also cost a few dollars.
Dvice via Ubergizmo
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Many MacBook owners have been waiting for Apple to release a MacBook with built in 3G for quite some time now, and it looks like this is something that we may see in the not to distant future.
The guys over at PatentlyApple have uncovered a new patent which was recently granted to Apple, the patent basically refers to 3G antennas housed all around an Apple notebook.
This is sort of similar to the antennas on the iPhone 4(lets hope the MacBook’s don’t have the death grip problem), you can see it in the patent below.
Lets hope that Apple makes use of this new patent, and when next years MacBook refresh comes around we will see them with integrated 3G.
via Apple Insider
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Yesterday Apple [AAPL} announced the fourth generation iPhone (iPhone 4G), which is now called the iPhone 4, and it looks like its is going to be the most exciting iPhone released since the original iPhone 2G back in 2007.
The new iPhone 4 features a completely new design, and from the looks of the photos we have seen this is the best design to date. The new iPhone 4 measures 4.5 inches in height, 2.31 inches wide and 0.37 inches thick and it weighs in at just 137 grams.
The most interesting part of thew new iPhone 4 is the new display, Apple calls it a Retina display, the screen is a 3.5 inch widescreen multitouch display with a resolution of 860 by 640 pixels with a total 326 pixels per inch.
The new Retina display is much sharper than the display on the previous model iPhone, and it can display up to four times more detail than on the iPhone 3GS.
The iPhone 4 offers UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz) and GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz) connectivity as well as integrated 802.11 b/g/n WiFi and Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, there is also built in A-GPS, plus a digital compass.
Processing is provided by Apple custom designed A4 processor, which is found inside the Apple iPad, this is going to give the iPhone some serious power as the processor is very fast on the iPad.
The iPhone 4 also features a new 5 megapixel camera that is capable of recording HD video in 720p at a rate of 30 frames per second, it also features a built in LED flash and a tap to focus feature, plus there is support for photo and video geo tagging.
On the front of the iPhone there is another camera, this is used for Apple’s new video chat feature on the iPhone 4, which is called FaceTime. With face time you will be able to make video calls over WiFi (no 3G just yet).
Battery wise, Apple has increased the battery size in the iPhone 4, you now get up to seven hours talk time over 3G, and up to 14 hours talk time over 2 G, standby time comes in at 300 hours and browsing you will get up to 6 hours over 3G and up to 10 hours over WiFi. Video playback comes in at 10 hours whilst audio playback comes in at 40 hours.
The new iPhone 4 will go on sale in the US and UK, plus some countries in Europe on the 24th of June 2010, there will be two model available, a 16GB model which will retail for $199 and a 32GB model which will retail for $299, both of these will be available in black and white.
Have a look at our hands on gallery of the iPhone 4 below, and also make sure you check out our full review of the iPhone 4.
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We just got our hands on Apple’s iPhone 4S, so we thought we would post some unboxing photos, of Apple’s fifth generation iPhone, the iPhone 4S’s feature below are the 64GB black version and the 16GB white version.
Have a look at our gallery of the iPhone 4S below, we will have some more details on the iPhone 4S later once we have had a chance to test them out and will let you guys know our first impression on it.
From what we can see so far it seems pretty good, feels a bit faster than the iPhone 4, and Siri looks interesting, more details to follow.
Have a look at our handy guide on the difference between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.
Apple has now announced the iPhone 5, have a look at our article on the difference between the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5to see all about the new iPhone 5.
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Apple’s Fifth generation iPhone, the iPhone 4S has finally gone on sale, we have been trying out the iPhone 4S for the last few hours, so we thought we would share our initial impressions on the iPhone 4S with you, also have a look at our iPhone 4S unboxing photos .
The iPhone 4S has the same design as its predecessor, the iPhone 4, which is Apple’s best design of the iPhone to date, internally the iPhone 4S is different to the iPhone 4, and it features Apple’s A5 processor which can also be found inside the iPad 2.
The iPhone 4S comes with iOS 5 out of the box, and you no longer need a Mac or PC to activate it, as we found out early when Julian managed to activate and install everything from iCloudover WiFi.
The camera inside the iPhone 4S is an 8 megapixel camera, which can record full high definition video in 1080p, as opposed to the 5 megapixel camera in the iPhone 4, and from what we have seen so far, it is quite an improvement over the previous model.
One of the main new features in the iPhone 4S is Apple’s voice activated virtual assistant, which you can ask question, and it will talk back to you and answer your questions, although it doesn’t always get things right, I asked it to ‘Remind me to do an iPhone 4S review’, you can see below what Siri thought I said.
You can also ask it to set reminders, dial telephone numbers, and send text messages and email, all with voice commands, it seems pretty good from what we have seen so far, although it doesn’t get things right 100 percent of the time, we have only had a brief play about with a few games on the iPhone 4S, like Infinity Blade, but it does seem faster than the iPhone 4, as do some apps.
There is now a 64GB model of the iPhone 4S available, as well as 32GB models and 16GB models, which were available for the iPhone 4, although considering Apple’s launch of iCloud, where the majority of your apps, photos etc can be accessed from iCloud, we are not sure if you will need the extra storage, as long as you have an Internet connection.
Overall from our initial impressions, the iPhone 4S is an impressive smartphone, Apple has improved on the already brilliant iPhone 4, making it faster, improving the camera, and adding in Siri.
Is it worth upgrading from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 4S? I am not sure yet as I have only had a few hours with the device, we will be publishing a full review of Apple’s iPhone 4S once we have had a good chance to test it and all of its features out.
Apple has now announced the iPhone 5, have a look at our article on the difference between the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5to see all about the new iPhone 5.
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Starbucks has today unveiled a new free Wi-Fi services they have rolled out to 650 of their UK stores allowing Starbucks customers to now enjoy free Wi-Fi access without the need for a registered Starbucks Card to log or the need to be members of the Starbucks Rewards programme to access the free Wi-Fi.
The new service now allows you to simply click ‘Connect’ and enjoy one-click, high speed Wi-Fi access. Each Wi-Fi session lasts for 2 hours but you can have an unlimited number of sessions every day – just reconnect after 2 hours.
“Now all our customers can get online for free at hundreds of hotspots at Starbucks throughout the UK. You no longer need a registered Starbucks Card to log on – just click ‘Connect’ and enjoy one-click, high speed Wi-Fi access on us.”
To use follow these simply instructions provided by Starbucks: Simply enable your laptop, tablet or mobile device in Starbucks stores where you see Free Wi-Fi signs – Once you’re connected, open your web browser and go to – Then click on the ‘Connect’ button and you will be instantly connected to free Wi-Fi!
** The WiFi’s unsecured though, so remember to log in to websites using an HTTPSconnection if you can to avoid people snooping on your data.
Source: Starbucks: TNW
Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals
Apple has announced the launch of a new iPhone at this years WWDC, the iPhone 3GS.
The iPhone 3GS comes with 7.2Mbps HSDPA connectivity, a 3 megapixel camera with autofocus, and video recording at 30 fps.
Other features include inproved battery life, with up to 9 hours of browsing via Wifi, 10 hours of video playback, 30 hours of audio playback, up to 12 hours of talk over 2G and up to 5 hours of talks over 3G.
The iPhone 3GS will come in a 16GB version which will retail for $199 and a 32GB version which will retail for $299, the iPhone 3G will also continue to be available for $99.
The iPhone 3Gs will go on sale in the US and Europe on June the 19th.
via Gizmodo
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Apple has announced the launch of the 2nd generation iPhone, the 3G iPhone.
The 3G iPhone will launch Worldwide on the 11th of July 2008.
Introducing iPhone 3G. With fast 3G wireless technology, Maps with GPS, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange, and the new App Store, iPhone 3G puts even more amazing features in your hands. And just like the original iPhone, it combines three products in one ” a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough Internet device with rich HTML email and full web browsing. iPhone3G. It redefines what a mobile phone can do. Again.
The new 3G iPhone will come in 8GB and 16GB versions, and will retail in the US for $199 for the 8GB version and $299 for the 16GB version. The 8GB version will come in black and the 16GB version will come in a choice of white or black.
I have just spoken to Apple and asked them if they could confirm what the UK pricing would be, at the moment the price hasn’t been decided yet so I guess we will have to wait and see.
I did ask what would happen to existing iPhone users here in the UK if they wanted to buy the new 3G iPhone, Apple confirmed to me that the new 3G iPhone could be added to your existing contract with O2 in place of your current one, so at least you don’t have to take out a new contract.
Hopefully, the pricing will be similar to that in the US which would translate to £100 for the 8GB version and £150 for the 16GB version, it certainly will be a lot cheaper than the £269 I paid when they were released here last year.
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I hardly recall a day in the past few weeks when we didn’t hear anything about the upcoming flagship device from Samsung.
I hardly recall a day in the past few weeks when we didn’t hear anything about the upcoming flagship device from Samsung. Yesterday, we saw quite a few rumorsabout some of the specifications of the alleged Samsung Galaxy S5.
Today, we have some more rumors to share with our readers that hints towards the launch of the alleged Samsung Galaxy S5. According to this new rumor, from a Russian journalist who goes by the name of Eldar Murtazin, Samsung will unveil the highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S5 on 23rd February in Barcelona.
Eldar Murtazin tweeted today that Samsung will unveil the Galaxy S5 at a press event just a day before Mobile World Congress kicks off, followed by its availability in April for the same price. He further went on to say that it will carry the same set of specifications as we’ve heard before — they vary but most of them point towards the same thing. Included in the upcoming handset will be a new TouchWiz interface, which we’ve seen a few times, thanks to the famed Twitter leaker @evleaks.
To refresh your memory, we heard that Samsung will launch the alleged Galaxy S5 at a press event in London in mid-Marchwith sales kicking off the next month. This new tweet from Murtazin opposes all the things we’ve heard about its launch. Although Samsung releases events at their own events, it could be a possibility as Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note 3 just before IFA kicked off in Berlin.
Based on rumors, it will come with a 5.25-inch display sporting 2K resolution, 4GB of RAM, Snapdragon 805 or Exynos 6 based on whether it’s LTE or not, 16MP ISOCELL cameraor 20MP (according to a new leak), fingerprint sensor, 2,900 mAh batteryand runs Android 4.4 KitKat with a new TouchWiz UI.
Let’s just take this rumor with a grain of salt, as nothing is official until it comes from the Korean OEM no matter how accurate the rumor is. But, we should give this one some weight as he was predicted the launch date of the Samsung Galaxy S4last year, so let’s just take it with a little bit of speculation.
Source: Twitter
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The Apple Watch launches in the US next month, the device is expected to be a popular product for Apple, although Conan O’Brien has come up with an alternative device, the Apple Pocket Watch.
Have a look at the Apple Pocket Watch in action in the video below, what do you guys think, will this be more popular than the Apple Watch?
Apple will start taking pre-orders on the Apple Watch on the 10th of April and the device launches on the 24th of April. Prices for Apple’s new smartwatch start at $349 and the top end model will cost a massive $17,000.
Source TeamCoco, Digital Trends
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Looks like we have another rumored launch date for the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 .
. In the past, we’ve seen all sorts of rumors about the launch of the handset, some predict it will launch in Februarywhile others go with Aprilas the month when Samsung will unveil its latest marvel.
Recently, a new rumor surfaced on the internet suggesting that Samsung might hold a global launch event in mid-March in London where there’s a possibility that the Korean OEM will launch the purported Samsung Galaxy S5.
According to an Italian journalist Flavio, citing a reliable source, Samsung will hold an event in mid-March where the Korean OEM might unveil the Samsung Galaxy S5.
Actually, if you see it from another perspective, it makes sense. Samsung hasn’t unveiled any handset at the Mobile World Congressafter the Galaxy SII, and the company has enough budget to host its own events, and rather than launching a flagship product such as the Galaxy S5 amongst other products at the MWC, it’s better to host a separate event.
In terms of specifications, rumors suggest that it will come with a 5-inch display sporting 2K resolution, Exynos 6 or Snapdragon 64-bit processor, 4GB of RAM, 16MP ISOCELL camera and Android 4.4 KitKat pre-installed out of the box.
Let’s just take this rumor with a pinch of salt as there’s no official word from Samsung until now. We’ll update you as soon as more information comes up.
Source: Twitter, SamMobile
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Apple and the FBI were due in court yesterday because the FBI wanted Apple to write software to unlock an iPhone that belonged to a terrorist, essentially creating a back door into iPhones, the FBI out the case on hold at the last minute.
The reason that the case was put on hold was because the FBI said they had found an alternative way of unlocking the device with the help of a third party.
According to a recent report, the third party is an Israeli forensics firm called Cellebrite, they are apparently working with the FBI to unlock the iPhone in question.
The company apparently has tools to unlock a number of devices, this apparently includes the new Samsung Galaxy S7 smartphone.
The company can apparently unlock Apple devices running iOS 8 without the need for any hardware, although the iPhone 5C which was owned by the San Bernardino shooter was running iOS 9.
Source TNW
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The new Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge smartphones will be made official at Samsung Unpacked 2016 at this years Mobile World Congress on Sunday the 21st of February.
According to a recent report, Samsung will start taking pre-orders for both handsets on the 21st of February.
The news comes in a report from Android World who have also said that anyone who pre-orders the handsets between the 21st of February and the 10th of March will get a free Samsung Gear VR headset which normally costs $100.
The Samsung Galaxy S7 will apparently be available in three colors at launch, both devices will have similar specifications.
Processing will be provided by a Snapdragon 820 or an Exynos 8990 depending on the region and both handsets will come with 4GB of RAM, 32GB or 64GB of storage and a microSD card slot.
These new S7 smartphones will have a 5.1 inch display with a QHD display and the S7 Edge will come with a curved glass display.
Other rumored specifications include Android Marshmallow, a 5 megapixel front camera and Samsung’s new 12 megapixel BRITECELL camera on the back. We will have more details about both handsets when they are made official later this month.
Source Android World, Pocket now
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Yesterday we heard that Apple may be looking to find out how the FBI managed to unlock the iPhone in the San Bernardino case, the Justice Department is apparently taking Apple to court over other iPhones.
Now it looks like the FBI may also help other law enforcement agencies unlock iPhones, the latest one is related to a murder case in Arkansas.
According to a recent report by ABC News, the FBI have agreed to help the Arkansas prosecutor unlock and iPhone and iPod belonging to two suspects, 18 year old Hunter Drexler and 15 year old Justin Staton.
It is not clear as yet on which model of Apple’s iPhone the FBI intend to unlock in the latest case, it could be the same model iPhone 5C from the San Bernardino case or it may be a later version of the iPhone.
The FBI agreed Wednesday to help an Arkansas prosecutor unlock an iPhone and iPod belonging to two teenagers accused of killing a couple, just days after the federal agency announced it had gained access to an iPhone linked to the gunman in a mass shooting in California.
Apple will want to find out exactly which models of its smartphones the FBI are capable of unlocking, as this would also mean that criminal could be capable of unlocking the devices.
Source ABC News, The Verge
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The 3G iPhone doesn’t come with a dock , unlike the 2G version, instead you have to spend an extra $29 on an Apple iPhone 3G Dock.
So we decided to make our own iPhone dock, that was easy for anyone to make and can be made from readily available materials.
We decided to make our dock out of cardboard, and wanted anyone to be able to print one off on their printer so we kept the size to A4.
Initially we weren’t sure if cardboard would be strong enough to use as an iPhone dock, but after playing about with various designs and thickness of cardboard we found out it works really well.
To make your own you will need a sheet of A4 cardboard, some sharp scissors or a craft knife, a printer and your iPhone dock cable that came with your 3G iPhone.
We have created a PDF for you to download so that you can make your own cardboard iPhone Dock.
We would recommend that you use at least 200gsm cardboard, but the thicker the better, around 270 gsm is the best, and I have been using one made from 270gsm cardboard for about a week and it works great.
Here’s a video with full instructions on how to make your own.
We have designed it so that the iPhone dock cable gives it extra stability, and it is easy to place and remove your iPhone from the dock, just like the real one.
You can download the PDF, there is a link below for the free download.
To download the PDF, either click the link above and it will open the document in a new window, or right click it and click ‘Save As’.
We will have more cool features coming up in the future, including some which we are working on at the moment, so make sure you subscribe to our RSS Feed
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Yesterday we saw the Wooden iPhone Docking Station from the guys over at Woodtec, today we have another wooden iPhone dock, and this one looks like it has been made out of the trunk of a small tree.
The Tree Trunk iPhone Dock is bound to look great on your desk, if you want one they are available for $48 from Woodtec.
Update it looks like they have sold out whilst I was writing this.
Check out some other cool iPhone dock’s and stands.
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