Shock Clock WakeUp Trainer Helps You Get Out Of Bed (video)

If like me you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and are more of a night owl, you may be interested in a new wake-up trainer called Shock Clock which has been created by the team behind Pavlok the wrist worn wearable device that helps you break habits.

Shock Clock WakeUp Trainer

After being requested by many owners of Pavlok the team has now created an alarm clock along the same principles allowing you to train yourself to wake up early feeling fresh and revitalised, rather than sleeping and miss those important appointments.

Watch the video below to learn more about the new Shock Clock which is taken to the Indiegogo crowdfunding website to raise the funds it requires to finish off production.

You know the feeling – you set an alarm the night before, sure you’re going to wake up. But when you hear the alarm….and well – you just can’t help hitting the snooze button.

You lay in bed too long and end up feeling rushed, frustrated, and tired your whole day. But what if you didn’t have to feel that way? What if you could get up, effortlessly and naturally, at the time you desired? What would you do with that extra hour? Would you eat breakfast? Would you meditate? Would you exercise?

For more information on the new Shock Clock jump over to the Indiegogo website for details following the link below.

Source: Indiegogo

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