Raspberry Echo, Install The Amazon Echo Alexa Voice Service On Your Raspberry Pi Mini PC (video)

Those of you in the UK that are still awaiting for Amazon to launch their new Amazon Echo voice controlled personal assistant which offers similar features to Apple’s Siri and OK Google services available on iOS and Android devices respectively.

Raspberry Echo Amazon Echo

Maybe interested in a video that has been published by Novaspirit Tech which shows you how to install the Amazon Alexa Voice Service on the Raspberry Pi mini PC. Creating your very own personal Raspberry Echo personal assistant that can assist you with a number of different tasks including playing music, searching for news and more.

Raspberry Echo Amazon Echo

Check out the video below for full details on how to install the Amazon Alexa Voice service on your Raspberry Pi mini PC. Once set up you can also download the Amazon Alexa application and loaded onto your smartphone which then allows you to configure or connect with your Raspberry Echo system. The Raspberry Echo Amazon Alexa Voice Service can be installed on either a Raspberry Pi 2 or the latest and slightly faster Raspberry Pi 3 mini PC. Once you have created your Raspberry Echo don’t forget to create a 3D printer case or you something a little special to finish it off.

Source: YouTube: RPi

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