Rey action figure flys into second wave of Star Wars figures like a comet

Minor spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens follow.

For feminist fans of Star Wars, Rey being missing from the first wave of action figures was the end of the world. The #Wheresrey movement spread like wildfire, and soon enough the company had to respond.

With the second wave of action figures.

Because for a lot of these people, they may have never realized that “wave 1” was a common term in the toy world, meaning that more were on the way. A second wave was coming. In responding to the #Wheresrey movement, Paul Souther, the head of Lucasfilm licensing, explained that Rey’s action figure had several spoilers for the movie itself.

“This new wave of product has got key elements from the film. You see Rey with a saber, her blaster, and a number of other elements we wanted to hold back until the film had been released. The timing is good to try to address some of the social discussion that has been created through the ‘Where’s Rey?’ movement.”

As far as Lucasfilm goes, they did nothing wrong. They simply didn’t want to spoil the movie for fans, who would of thought? (Well, Matt Liebl of Gamezone did.Kudos to him.)

star wars the force awakens rey toy