Michael Strahan Is Leaving Live With Kelly And Michael

Michael Strahan Is Leaving Live With Kelly And Michael

Big changes are on the way for the morning television scene.

Big changes are on the way for the morning television scene. Michael Strahan is officially set to leave his co-hosting gig on Live with Kelly and Michael after four years of banter with Kelly Ripa. Luckily for fans of his, Strahan is sticking around on the ABC morning roster for the next step of his career, and he’ll be joining the team at Good Morning, America full time.

Michael Strahanhas been a part-time contributor to Good Morning, America for two years, appearing twice weekly in addition to his work on Live with Kelly and Michael . He’s been able to handle both with no problem, but the time has evidently come for him to move on from his partnership with Kelly Ripa. He’ll start his regular gig on Good Morning America in September of 2016, according to Deadline.

Strahan first hitthe morning talk show circuit after Regis Philbin left his Live co-hosting job with Kelly Ripa, who had herself replaced original host Kathie Lee Gifford. Plenty of celebrities were in the running to take Philbin’s seat, and former NFL star Strahan came out on top after fifteen appearances opposite Ripa. He was a slightly unexpected pick, but he brought a fun new dynamic to the show that needed some revitalization after many years of Regis followed by the long search for his replacement.

Good Morning America needed its own jolt of vitality when behind-the-scenes drama began to affect the program, and Strahan was brought in to work his magic in an effort to charm viewers back to the show. Live with Kelly and Michael was still his top priority, but he’d already proven capable of juggling more than one show thanks to his continued appearances on NFL Sunday even after joining Live .

Recently, Good Morning America has struggled in ratings against its NBC rival The Today Show . GMA is still ranked as the top morning program on network television, but Today is catching up. Michael Strahan coming on board may be just what GMA needs to get a big boost in viewers.

All in all, Strahan leaving Live with Kelly and Michael could be an exciting change to mix things up in morning TV. Most of us can even be spared any separation anxiety by knowing that he won’t be leaving ABC altogether. The only real bummer about the news is that Kelly Ripa will have to go through yet another epic hunt for a co-host. Hopefully she can find a new partner in banter who works as well with her as Michael Strahan, and this advanced notice should help that transition out.

Strahan won’t be appearing full-time on GMA until September, so there’s still time to catch him on Live with Kelly and Michael on weekdays at 9 a.m. ET on ABC. To see when your favorite shows are hitting the airwaves in the not-too-distant, be sure to check out our scheduleof summer TV premiere dates.

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Why A Resident Living Near The Walking Dead Set Had The Police Called On Him

Why A Resident Living Near The Walking Dead Set Had The Police Called On Him

Living in the zombie apocalypse is no picnic.

is no picnic. Rick Grimes and the rest of the survivors on The Walking Dead have found a home in Alexandria, Virginia, but that town didn’t appear overnight. The hit AMC series shoots their zombie carnage in a real town called Senoia, Georgia, and the production has certainly left a mark on the community. Apparently living on the set of a major TV series isn't all it's cracked up to be, as a resident of Senoia just had the cops called on him for gardening during the show's production.

Senoia resident Fred Morris revealed that the crew behind The Walking Dead called the cops on him while filming a scene. He lives just outside of the “Alexandria” wall, and one day he decided to trim his trees, which interfered with the show’s production. Morris – understandably frustrated – spoke out about the encounter and his refusal to back down in the face of the AMC series:
They come out of there saying I need to stop because they're filming. I said, ‘Well, no, you just carry your happy butt right behind the wall, that's where you do your stuff. This is my home.'
Through careful use of Hollywood magic, the series manages to make the town of Alexandria, Virginia (and Woodburybefore that and the Hilltop Colony after it) look like a fortress in the middle of a zombie-infested wasteland. What fans of the series might not realize is that the show films in a real town, and the production of The Walking Dead can create a major inconvenience for the townspeople. Many other residents have complained about issues plaguing their town such as explosions in the middle of the night, as well as specific time restrictionsregarding when they can come and go from their homes.

Despite this report from from Good Morning America , living in Senoia apparently also has its share of advantages as well. Other residents of the town have voiced their opinion that numerous members of the cast and crew are incredibly gracious and thankful for access to the town, and The Walking Dead production compensates the townspeople an average of $400 per month for their troubles – as well as ensuring that the residents remain quiet with regard to spoilers. Additionally, the presence of the wildly popular series in town has allowed Senoia to experience a surge in tourism, which has bolstered the local economy.

While we most certainly feel for Mr. Morris and the fact that the cops arrived on his doorstep while he trimmed his shrubbery, we have a feeling he’s going to have to put up with it for quite a while. Rick Grimesand the rest of the survivors have carved out a nice little home for themselves behind the walls of Alexandria, and we cannot imagine that they will be giving up that luxury anytime soon.

We will bring you all of the latest and greatest Walking Dead news as it becomes available to us. Be sure to catch the hit AMC series every Sunday night at 9 p.m. EST.

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Rant: Katherine Heigl Is Over Grey's And I'm Over Her

Rant: Katherine Heigl Is Over Grey's And I'm Over Her

Elizabeth: FACT: I now hate Katherine Heigl
That’s an IM I got from my friend this morning, and the sad thing is I didn’t even have to ask her why.

That’s an IM I got from my friend this morning, and the sad thing is I didn’t even have to ask her why. She of course, was referring to Katherine Heigl’s reasoning for not submitting her name for Emmy consideration. In a statement to the L.A. Times, Heigl says, "I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination and in an effort to maintain the integrity of the academy organization, I withdrew my name from contention."Aw, hell no. That is not the statement that a person with a heart full of goodness and the desire to “maintain the integrity” of the Emmy’s makes. That is a bitchslap aimed at the producers and writers of Grey’s Anatomy , pure and simple.

What makes this so odious is that it is the latest in a string of incidences in the past year that have caused Heigl to transform from likable, talented actress on a hit show into, well, a skank. Now, when I say skank, I don’t mean that she’s wearing hootchie clothes and flashing her business—Ms. Heigl is definitely one of the more demure celebrities out there. I am simply referring to her attitude: which is skanky.

When Grey’s Anatomy premiered as a mid-season replacement back in 2005, I started watching. I don’t exactly remember why, as I am generally burned out on medical shows. Despite this and immediately disliking Ellen Pompeo as a lead actress as well as her character, Meredith, I continued to watch. What kept me coming back was the supporting cast—with Katherine Heigl and her character of Izzie quickly becoming one of my favorites.

My love for all things Izzie and Heigl intensified in season two, during the Denny storyline. The season finale, in which Denny and Izzie got engaged right before he died, made me cry. I’m not talking “I got a little choked up,” I mean I cried . It was embarrassing.

As embarrassing as it may be to cry over a nighttime medical soap, it is not nearly as embarrassing as Katherine Heigl’s behavior in the past year, as she seemingly embarked on a quest to win the David Caruso honorary award for Biting The Hand That Feeds You. While Caruso famously left NYPD Blue because he felt it was holding him back only to wallow in obscurity for the next decade, Heigl, in her quest to transition from television to film, has been badmouthing not only the television show that catapulted her to fame, but anyone and everyone else who comes to mind.

It all started with Knocked Up . The comedy did huge box office business and introduced her to a demographic that up to that point probably couldn’t have named her if they were paid. So what does she do? She insults writer/director Judd Apatow and the film in Vanity Fair, saying that “it was hard for [her] to love the movie.”Now, some would argue that she had a valid point, that the women were, in fact, painted as “shrews, as humorless and uptight”as she said. Regardless, it’s not the best way to ingratiate yourself to the people who pay you to be in movies or the fans who forked over ten bucks to see you.

The Katherine Heigl “so you like me? Well I’ll fix that!” tour continued with her bizarre habit of insulting her new husband, Josh (or Joshua, as she insists on calling him) Kelly in public (most notably on Oprah and Letterman ) and saying she wouldn’t actually pay to see 27 Dresses , a film for which she received a big paycheck based on Knocked Up’s success.

Even the things she doesn’t say directly work against her. For months there have been rumors (no doubt started by Heigl herself) that she’s trying to get out of her Grey’s contract so she can focus on movies. Oddly, these rumors began not too long after her stunning but well-deserved Best Supporting actress Emmy win. Heigl’s statement saying that the material she was given doesn’t warrant another Emmy is clearly a bid to get off of Grey’s , a show she obviously thinks she is bigger than.

Granted, she didn’t have a lot to work with this season, but it is an ensemble show, so it’s only natural that the focus would shift to other characters. Maybe when she’s polishing the Emmy she won, she should think about the not-so-distant past and all the awards she wasn’t winning when she was known simply as “the kid from that Gerard Depardu movie,” and settle her disputes in private.

If looked at individually, none of these things is that big of a deal. Instead, it’s the fact that when you put it all together, there’s a definite “mean girl” quality that emerges; the feeling that she’s above it all. Whether it’s her TV show, her movie projects, or her husband, Katherine Heigl seems to be just so eye-rollingly over it. Well, I’m officially over her.

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Game Boy Zero Raspberry Pi Zero Hacked Handheld Is Awesome (video)

Game Boy Zero Raspberry Pi Zero Hacked Handheld Is Awesome (video)

Raspberry Pi enthusiasts that have an old Game Boy gathering dust in a drawer or attic may be interested in a new project that has been unveiled this week which installs a Raspberry Pi Zero mini PC together with a few other components such as an SD card reader and colour screen into the case of a retro Game Boy.

Game Boy Zero Raspberry Pi

Pictured on the left in the image above you can see that the Game Boy Zero as the device has been named is similar in every way to the original Game Boy form factor and everything is enclosed within the casing.
Check out the video below to learn more about how the Game Boy Zero project was created and what you need to be able to create your very own. for full instructions jump over to the Imgur website for step-by-step images revealing what needs to be included inside the Game Boy case which has been modified to add an extra couple of buttons for compatibility with a wider range of games using the Emulation Stationa graphical and themeable emulator front-end can be seen in action in the video below.

If you found this article interesting you might also be interested in this list of awesome Raspberry Pi Zero projectswe have put together.

Source: Sploid

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Katherine Heigl Isn't Likely To Be Welcomed Back To Grey's Anatomy

Katherine Heigl Isn't Likely To Be Welcomed Back To Grey's Anatomy

Not long ago Katherine Heigl set Grey’s Anatomy fans to wondering if she might actually make a comeback on the series, and also set them off – blasting her for wanting to return to a show she didn’t have a whole lot of nice things to say about back when she was working on it.

fans to wondering if she might actually make a comeback on the series, and also set them off – blasting her for wanting to return to a show she didn’t have a whole lot of nice things to say about back when she was working on it. Rumor from the Grey’s camp has it she’s not welcome back.

EWreports that their sources over on the ABC production say Heigl is pretty much persona non grata on the set. Apparently people are still a little irritated at her attitude in the past. She famously complained about the 17-hour workdays on the set and stated that she didn’t think her material in the show was Emmy-worthy (although she did actually win one in 2007). Rumors that her character might be killed off due to her behavior came to nothing, and she wound up being let out of her contract early in 2010. Ostensibly she left to raise her daughter and focus on her less than sparkling movie career.

While promoting her latest film, One for the Money , Heigl told reporters she would like to return to the showand that she has already let showrunners know she is up for an Izzie comeback. At the time the show’s reps had no comment, but it seems the response has slipped out the back door: it’s very unlikely Izzie will re-appear on the show.

If nothing else, Heigl managed to get herself some publicity, which may well have been behind the announcement of her desire to return to the series. As for Izzie, we’ll have to see if time brings the series back around to welcoming her back, or if she’s in permanent exile.

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R-Kade Zero – Raspberry Pi Zero Arcade Game System (video)

R-Kade Zero – Raspberry Pi Zero Arcade Game System (video)

DTronixs has created an awesome Raspberry Pi Zero desktop arcade gaming system which takes the form of the R-Kade Zero and provides everything you need to be able to create the smallest and minimalist gaming system around, using the awesome Zero mini PC which costs just $5 or £4 to purchase.

Raspberry Pi Zero Arcade Game

Using the additional provided hardware you can then expand the system further to create a fully fledged gaming arcade cabinet the can be connected to a larger screen and expanded to provide any system you can dream up to power retro games for a number of older systems.

Watch the promotional video below to learn more about the hardware which has been developed by DTronixs who are based in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK and have taken to the Kickstarter crowdfunding website to raise the funds they require to take their Raspberry Pi Zero arcade gaming system into production.

The creators of the R-Kade Zero explain more about its construction, specifications and inspiration.

R-Kade Zero is one of the smallest and minimalist gaming controllers around. If you add a tiny Raspberry Pi Zero and a case and you’ve built yourself a tiny video gaming platform. The central idea to this is an interchangeable gaming controller gives the player a choice for their favourite style of play. You can choose from a single joystick and 4 control button experience or go with a two joystick experience as an alternative. There’s even a classic D-Pad design lined up as a stretch goal.

The newest and smallest Raspberry Pi Zero is just perfect to be made into an Arcade/Video Game Console platform. The R-Kade Mini Arcade is still here but we couldn’t resist the prospect of making something evening smaller with the Zero. Prototyping R-Kade Zero was quick and easy as we have various joysticks and switches in our project boxes from previous arcade projects. As well as those parts we also had a couple of PCB modules with joystick and buttons lying around so they were put into service as well.

For more information on the new R-Kade Zero Raspberry Pi Zero arcade game hardware jump over to the Kickstarter website for details via the link below.If you found this article interesting you might also be interested in this list of awesome Raspberry Pi Zero projectswe have created.

Source: Kickstarter

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What Katherine Heigl Thinks About Shonda Rhimes Hating Her

What Katherine Heigl Thinks About Shonda Rhimes Hating Her

One of TV’s most verbally vicious behind-the-scenes battles has been the ongoing spat between Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes and the series’ former star Katherine Heigl.

creator Shonda Rhimes and the series’ former star Katherine Heigl. Of course, to hear Heigl tell it, she’s been on the receiving end of all this vitriol and only wants to be in Rhimes’ good book again. An impassioned plea for forgiveness or an empty public gesture? You decide.

Heigl sat down for an interview with Extra ’s Mario Lopez – certainly the most hard-hitting journalist of the Saved by the Bell crowd – and she didn’t show a single iota of animosity for her ex-boss. Her hand was almost cramping from holding the olive branch out so far. Here’s how she put things, after Lopez asked if Heigl was aware of Rhimes’ continued complaints about her professionalism and attitude.
It sucks. I am sorry that she feels that way, and I wish her nothing but greatness, and I have nothing negative to say about Shonda. I’m a big fan of her work. I watch Scandal every week. So I’m sorry she's left with such a crappy impression of me. I wish I could do something to change that. Maybe I will be able to someday."
I don’t keep up with Scandal , but is it a show that seems open to characters getting hit in the face with fire for the entire runtime? Or do they actually murder the people on How to Get Away with Murder ? Those seem like the kinds of roles Rhimes would let Heigl have at this point.

It was just over a month ago when Rhimes let looseon Heigl for a THR story, saying that she no longer puts up with “bullshit or nasty people.” Rhimes had also gone off on Heigl for a previous THR interview, which Heigl also references in the Extra clip.

This was all first spawned by Heigl turning down an Emmy nomination by saying that the quality of the writing that she was performing didn’t warrant awards attention. She then played coy about whether or not she would be leaving the show, which soured her relationshipwith the creator even more. I think we’ve a better chance of seeing Shonda Rhimes creating a Fox reality series about the KKK than we do of seeing these two rekindling their relationship.

I’m sure if Heigl’s new series State of Affairs is a hit, she won’t put too much thought into her burned bridges. The new series was watched by over 8.6 million people, so there’s definitely a chance. Check out Heigl’s entire interview with Lopez on the next page.

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Katherine Heigl Has Already Found Her Post-State Of Affairs TV Role

Katherine Heigl Has Already Found Her Post-State Of Affairs TV Role

With State of Affairs among the series passed over for renewal last spring, that leaves Katherine Heigl available for other shows.

among the series passed over for renewal last spring, that leaves Katherine Heigl available for other shows. CBS may end up being her new home, as the former Grey's Anatomy star has been tapped to take over the lead role in the retooled pilot Doubt .

Varietysays Katherine Heigl has joined the cast of the CBS legal drama, Doubt , which will have her playing the part of Sadie Ellis, a defense attorney who falls for one of her clients, who might just be guilty of a brutal crime. The role is described as smart and chic, which certaintly seems like something Heigl can pull off.

From the sound of it, this pilot has gone through quite a few alterations after being passed over for a series order earlier this year. In addition to re-writes, more than one role in the pilot has been recast, and that includes the one Heigl is playing, which was previously played by KaDee Strickland.


KaDee Strickland shares a ShondaLand connection with Heigl, having played Dr. Charlotte King in the Grey's Anatomy spinoff series Private Practice .

At this point, Doubt is still only in the pilot stage, but these changes have reportedly breathed enough life into the legal drama to get it back on track for series contention. Assuming it does go to series, Doubt will put Katherine Heigl back on network television in a starring role.

During and following her run as Izzie Stevens on Grey's Anatomy , Heigl shifted to feature films, starring in Knocked Up , 27 Dresses , The Ugly Truth and One for the Money . She shifted back to television for the 2014-2015 season with State of Affairs , a thriller/drama in which she played a CIA analyst. Though the series showed strong numbers with its premiere episode last November, the ratings began to dip as the year came to a close, and then took a steeper drop in January. It neverreally recovered, and NBC decided not to renewit for Season 2.

Doubt could offer Heigl another shot to play a leading female in a network TV drama, assuming CBS is happy enough with the changes to move forward with it. It certainly has a solid cast lined up. Variety confirms that Laverne Cox, Dule Hill, Dreama Walker, Elliott Gould, Kobi Libii and Laverne Cox are still among the cast of the pilot, but their sources say Teddy Sears' character will be recast.

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Mini 3D Printed Tesla Smartphone Supercharger (video)

Mini 3D Printed Tesla Smartphone Supercharger (video)

Tesla fans might like this mini 3D printed Tesla smartphone supercharger that has been created and designed by Martin Hansen, who is a 3D printing enthusiast as well as a Tesla owner from Germany.

Mini 3D Printed Tesla Smartphone Supercharger

The larger full-scale Tesla Supercharger was originally designed to rapidly charge the Tesla’s Model S car which is currently the world’s best selling electric car and this smaller scale replica can now charge your smartphone in style.
A friend of mine showed us his new Model S in 2014. He took us for a ride to the next supercharger station and explained how the supercharger network is working. It was stunning to see, how Tesla solved the long charging time problem of electric vehicles.

I spent almost all my free-time of researching Tesla Motors and the Model S – this is the future!
Visiting the supercharger station again, the idea came into my mind: the supercharger network is the key to success for Tesla – so every Tesla owner would love to have an own supercharger at home.

All of the things are printed with my Zortrax M200 3D printer in ABS except of the white case. It can be made also in ABS, but I found a 3D print supplier who is printing it in SLS for me. The surface and general impression are much better, more plastic-wise like the real one. But anyway, you could print it yourself as well.

The Tesla car Superchargers can be found at 604 locations. These chargers are capable of providing 170 miles of range to the vehicle with just 30 minutes of charging.

Source: Adafruit: 3DPOS: Martin Hansen

Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals

Make Your Own Portable USB Solar Charger Using The SolarBoost Board (video)

Make Your Own Portable USB Solar Charger Using The SolarBoost Board (video)

Electronics enthusiasts, makers and hobbyists that would like to construct their very own portable USB solar charger, may be interested in a new development board which has been created called the SolarBoost.

Portable USB Solar Charger

The SolarBoost has been specifically designed to provide a wealth of features to make the perfect portable USB solar charger with ease, that is capable of providing juice for your smartphone, tablet and mobile devices whilst away from the grid.
Watch the promotional video below to learn more about its design. Specifications of the SolarBoost board include :

– Size: 85mm x 53mm (3.347in x 2.087in) – about the size of a credit card
– Output Ports: 2 USB Type A ports
– DC Output: 5V, 2A on each port
– Input Port: 1 USB Micro B port
– DC Input: 5V, 1A
– Battery Ports:1 battery connector (Molex Micro-Fit 3.0) + 1 extra battery connection pad
– Solar Ports: 1 solar panel connector (JST XH) + 1 extra solar panel connection pad
– Pushbutton: 1 button for ON/OFF, solar power only, battery charge level, and flashlight
– LED Flashlight: 32 lumens bright cool white LED flashlight
– Sensors: battery charging temperature sensor + board ambient temperature sensor
– Indicator Lights: board ON/OFF, battery and solar voltage monitoring, solar charging only, and battery charge status indicator LEDs
– Controller Unit: 8-bit 32MHz Microchip PIC micro-controller unit (MCU)
– Safety: Built-in protection features including soft-start, over-temperature, over-charge, over-discharge, short-circuit and current limiter

To make your very own Portable USB Solar charger using the SolarBoost board jump over to the Kickstarter crowdfunding website to make a pledge from $45.

Source: Kickstarter

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The Flash Just Gave Cisco Fans Exactly What They Need, Check It Out

The Flash Just Gave Cisco Fans Exactly What They Need, Check It Out

Even though The Flash is a much lighter show than Arrow , things have gotten pretty dark for Central City and its gang of metahuman-stoppers.

, things have gotten pretty dark for Central City and its gang of metahuman-stoppers. The CW has the perfect way to counterbalance the grimness, though, with the new web series Chronicles of Cisco , which takes a closer look at everyone’s favorite nickname-dropping S.T.A.R. Labs tech whiz. Check out the first episode below!

In Cisco we trust. If there’s any character in the current DC TV Universe that is worthy of getting extra (and possibly superfluous) attention through supplemental web content, it’s Cisco Ramon. As the largest source of comic relief on The Flash , Cisco is the ideal kind of person to hang out with for curious people interested in hearing mind-boggling inventions and dimension-breaching adventures. And that’s kind of what Chronicles of Cisco is at its core.

Of course, it’s just the mechanical engineer and no one else, so it’s not exactly like a chummy chat, but Cisco does like to talk to himself more than 90% of TV characters, so it kind of feels like a conversation is happening. (And one involving show references, which is even better.) In any case, the draw here is watching what this brainiac gets up to whenever no one else is around. You’d think he might eat or sleep (outside the office) or get invested in any kind of entertainment media, but he apparently doesn’t do much unattached from the lab. When you’re assisting one of the most powerful people in the world, I guess it’s good to keep up a ridiculously strong work ethic.

This doesn’t seem to just be a mindless set of installments destined for the extras menu on the Blu-ray, either, and it looks like there will be a selection of mini-arcs for Cisco to investigate and conquer. (To probably end up on the Blu-ray.) If each of the combined “Parts” is tied to some new gadget or costume upgrade, this could be a really fun and geeky way to squeeze more enjoyment out of the Scarlet Speedster’s universe that doesn’t need to involve another hour-long weekly drama full of crazy crossoversand months-long mysteries. Although we’ll take another one of those as well.

And if they wanted to use this route to develop Cisco’s familyand his Vibe powers, that’d be great, too. The main story is going well with Zoom and Barry’s feudgetting more intense, so Chronicles of Cisco will hopefully remain a nice breath of amusing air, complete with snazzy science, with fewer stakes attached.

The Flash airs Tuesday nights on The CW, and it only gets more exciting between now and the season finale.

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Grey's Anatomy Renewed For Season 13 At ABC

Grey's Anatomy Renewed For Season 13 At ABC

If you’re a fan of ABC’s long-running medical drama Grey’s Anatomy , then there’s almost no doubt that you want more of Meredith, Callie, Jackson and the rest of the gang at Seattle Grace Mercy West.

, then there’s almost no doubt that you want more of Meredith, Callie, Jackson and the rest of the gang at Seattle Grace Mercy West. Well, we’ve got good news for you; Grey’s Anatomy has just been renewed, along with Scandal , How to Get Away With Murder and eight other shows.

A report from TVLinesays that Grey’s Anatomy was renewed today for Season 13. While many of TV’s top shows are crime procedurals, Grey’s has carved out a nice niche for itself as a medical show with some serious soap operaelements. The combination has been intriguing enough for audiences to help keep the show around for a whopping 12 seasons filled with wild ups, downs, ins, outs and the occasional dramatic in-between.

Grey’s Anatomy focuses on Dr. Meredith Grey and her fellow doctorsat Seattle Grace Mercy West hospital. The show has mastered the art of merging intensedrama, like a bomb detonating in the halls or a madman running amok and shooting doctors and patients, light-hearted moments, complicated interpersonal relationships and heart-tugging (or just plain odd) medical cases. But, it’s fair to say that many fans would rate the love lives of the characters as one of the main reasons why they stay loyal to the show ( McDreamy, anyone?).

The show was a hit with critics from the first season, with different outlets calling the drama a “winner,” that was “one of the best TV shows around.” That first season was listed on five critics Top 10 lists. The first four seasons all ranked in the top 10 among all viewers, with the second season getting an amazing average of over 19 million viewers an episode. The overall highest rated episode aired in the second season, right after Super Bowl XL, and netted more than 38 million viewers. Grey’s Anatomy is also the show that set off creator/producer extraordinaire Shonda Rhimes’hold over ABC’s Thursday night lineup.


Scandal (which will be heading into Season 6) and How to Get Away With Murder (renewed for Season 3) are Shonda Rhimes’ other runaway hits for the network. Both shows specialize in the same type of high-stakes drama that has often known to get characterslocked in deep holes underground or even killed. Each drama is also a lot like Grey’s Anatomy in that personal relationships are often the key to much of the drama. Scandal has, especially, managed to put those relationships front and center.

Grey’s Anatomy is already one of the longest running medical dramas on television, and if the success keeps going at this rate, it could easily carry ABC’s Thursday night lineup for many years to come.

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Apple Releases WWDC Opening Video

Apple Releases WWDC Opening Video

When  Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference started this year, things were a little different, the company played a video which featured Bill Hader and a behind the scenes look of what he had planned for the opening of WWDC 2015.


You can seethe video below, which shows a WWDC rehearsal with a number of Tim Cook lookalikes, sum Angry Birds and more.

Apple announced a number of new things at WWDC 2015 this year, which included Apple Music, iOS 9and OS X El Capitan.

Source 9 to 5 Mac

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Hollywood Is Taking A Stand Against North Carolina's Controversial Anti-LGBT Legislation

Hollywood Is Taking A Stand Against North Carolina's Controversial Anti-LGBT Legislation

It’s a busy week at the nexus of entertainment and politics.

It’s a busy week at the nexus of entertainment and politics. At the same time that Disneyis threatening to cease filming in the state of Georgia if the governor signs a law they see as discriminatory, a similar battle is now taking place just a bit to the north in North Carolina. There, the governor has already signed a new law into effect that many in Hollywood are viewing as discrimination. One director has already stated he will cease working in the state until the law is repealed, and the MPAAhas said, on behalf of all the studios, that they oppose the bill.

North Carolina’s House Bill 2, titled the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, enforces a ban of people using restrooms that do not correspond with their biological sex. In addition, it also reserves all power for passing non-discrimination legislation to the state, meaning that local governments no longer have any power to pass their own laws on these issues. According to CNN, the state legislature took emergency action in order to strike down an ordinance in the city of Charlotte which allowed transgender citizens to use the restrooms of the gender they identify as. Director Rob Reinerhas now come out to say that he will not film anything in North Carolina until such time as the law is repealed. In addition, the Motion Picture Association of America has stated that the studios oppose "any law that legitimizes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression."

All of this follows on the heels of Disney’s public statements that they will cease to filmmovies at Pinewood Studios in Georgia unless the governor refuses to sign a bill currently on his desk, which would allow religious organizations to refuse to hire, or provide service, to anybody who they feel violates their religious beliefs. Since Disney’s public statements, they have now been joined by companies such as Netflixand the Weinstein Company in vowing to pull their productions from the state.

Georgia has been a popular choice for Hollywood filming due to the state’s extensive tax credit. North Carolina, for its part, has been dialing back their tax credits, and thus they aren’t seeing quite the volume of business that they used to. Still, North Carolina does have some productions currently going, including ABC’s Dirty Dancing special. As ABC is owned by Disney, it’s very possible this production could be impacted, since it’s likely Disney will react in North Carolina in a similar fashion to its response in Georgia.

While the Georgia boycott can be averted by a decision to simply do nothing by the governor, in North Carolina, this is now the law, meaning that the state government would have to take action to make any changes. Considering they were the ones who took this action in the first place, it’s hard to believe anything will be changing anytime soon.

The Selfie Arm Is Better Than A Selfie Stick

The Selfie Arm Is Better Than A Selfie Stick

Selfies sticks are so last year, what you need to take your favourite selfies with is a Selfie arm, which will give the impression that you are holding someones hand in your selfies.

Selfie Arm1

The Selfie arm is the work of Aric Sneeand Justin Crowewho will be making just 10 limited edition versions of this selfie stick alternative.

Selfie Arm2

fascinated by the idea of technology and its illusionary ‘connectedness’ and ‘sociableness’, snee and crowe created the ‘selfie arm’. the sarcastic solution to a quintessential problem — nobody wants to look alone while they mindlessly snap pictures of themselves — the product conveniently provides you a welcoming arm. and better yet, it doesn’t talk or have emotions of any sort. you can even create fake accounts and use its finger to like all your images; its not you its the hand! ‘selfie arm’ is made of fiberglass, is lightweight and portable, and fortunately only a prototype. the collaborative project is a direct commentary on the growing selfie stick phenomenon, and the constant, gnawing need for narcissistic internet validation.

You can find out more details about the selfie arm at the link below, each of the 10 limited edtion devices will apparently retail for $6,200 each.

Source Design Boom

Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals

What To Expect From Jonah Hex On Legends Of Tomorrow

What To Expect From Jonah Hex On Legends Of Tomorrow

Arrow and The Flash on The CW have always found ways to incorporate characters from comic lore by adapting them to the present.

on The CW have always found ways to incorporate characters from comic lore by adapting them to the present. Now that Legends of Tomorrow has brought time travel into the mix in a big way, some major DC characters can appear in their own eras. The latest DC character will be gunslinger and antihero Jonah Hex, played by Jonathan Schaechof Ray Donovan fame. Shaech recently revealed some details about the gig, and according to the actor, Hex will have an unlikely edge on the Legends. In the story he revealed that he understands time travel. That’s all storyline. [Jonah and Rip] know each other. There’s something that they have to resolve from the past. If Rip was there, he understands time travel a little bit. Jonah Hex does.
Jonathan Schaech’s reveal to ComicBook.comsets Jonah Hex apart from most of the other characters that the Legends have encountered in their travels so far. Usually, folks in other periods don’t believe that time travel is actually possible, and so the entertainingly bad acting from most of the good guys as they try to blend in isn’t much of a problem. Knowing Rip Hunter and at least somewhat understanding time travel puts Jonah Hexat a distinct advantage. Rip isn’t always the best communicator, so it’s entirely possible that the rest of the crew won’t even know of his acquaintance with Hex until they cross paths.

Jonah Hex may already know Rip Hunter, but Rip won’t be the only character whose interactions with the cowboy will be especially exciting on the small screen. According to Jonathan Schaech, one of the Legends will be a fun foil to his character. The Atom. Brandon’s character. They just, his innocence, it was perfect, fitting with Jonah. Here’s this wisely, grisly character in Jonah Hex and then this, I hate to say it, but this Clark Kent-ish naivety. It just played off each other very, very well.
Brandon Routh’s Ray Palmer has been at his most entertaining in both Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow when his effusive enthusiasm is directed at a very serious character. He’s a great comic character to bounce off of a straight man, and it looks like Jonah Hex will be as gritty a character as Ray has ever encountered in the Flarrow -verse.

The trip to the Wild West will be the first major time that the Legends have traveled significantly into the past, and Jonathan Schaech’s Jonah Hex sounds like the perfect character to introduce them to an incredibly different era. Given that a lot of the crew of Legends of Tomorrow are likely to returnin Season 2, Hex could even be a fantastic character to bring back in the future.

Rip, Ray, and the rest of the Legends will encounter Jonah Hex on Legends of Tomorrow tonight at 8 p.m. ET on The CW in its regular Thursday timeslot. To see when your favorite shows will be returning to the airwaves in the not-too-distant future, check out our scheduleof summer premiere dates.

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Android Mascot Peeing On Apple Logo Appears On Google Maps

Android Mascot Peeing On Apple Logo Appears On Google Maps

A few strange things have appeared on Google maps recently, first there was Edward Snowden’s den listed within the White House and now a new Android Mascot has appeared on Google Maps.

Google Maps

The Android Mascot that has turned up on Google Maps is actually peeing on an Apple Logo, this can be seen on Google Maps here.

It is not clear as yet exactly who is responsible for this Android Mascot peeing on an Apple Logo in Google Maps.

The image appears on both the web versions and mobile versions of Google Maps but it does not show up on the satellite version of Google Maps.

This could be a joke by someone at Google or it could have been added to Google Maps by someone else, as soon as we get some more details, we will let you guys know.

Source Hacker News, TNW

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ESPN's Curt Schilling Suspended After Controversial Tweet

ESPN's Curt Schilling Suspended After Controversial Tweet

If you follow Major League Baseball , you know who Curt Schilling is.

, you know who Curt Schilling is. If you follow celebrities who do and say stupid things in public, you probably also know who Curt Schilling is. The outspoken former pitcher has now been suspended from his on-air job at ESPN after he published a tweet comparing Muslims and Nazis. Because there was no reason to think Disney would have a problem with that.

ESPNannounced today via their website that Schilling, a former World Series MVP, had been pulled from his current assignment covering the Little League World Series. (We couldn’t make this up if we tried.) Schilling's offensive tweet compares Muslim extremism to the German Nazi Party of the 1930’s and 40’s. It is, needless to say, not the kind of thing ESPN, or their parent company Disney, are looking to have their contributors posting online. Schilling deleted the tweet almost as quickly as he posted it, but because the Internet is the Internet, it didn't actually disappear, and here it is.

Curt Schilling tweeted this a few minutes ago and then deleted it. pic.twitter.com/utGwlnYfOW

— Aaron Gleeman (@AaronGleeman) August 25, 2015
The exact terms of Schilling's suspension are not spelled out, so it’s not clear how long he’ll be off ESPN, or what they’re planning on doing with him if and/or when he returns. Schilling, for his part, apparently understands that he did wrong. His most recent tweet, which he has not deleted, calls the initial tweet a “bad decision.”

I understand and accept my suspension. 100% my fault. Bad choices have bad consequences and this was a bad decision in every way on my part.

— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) August 25, 2015

Schilling is a fairly opinionated human and he’s never been shy. He’s previously stated that his conservative politicsare the reason he’s not in the Hall of Fame yet. To be fair to ESPN, they suspend liberalsfor being idiots on Twitter, too. People saying dumb stuff that they really should not was not something that started the day Twitter launched, but with the widespread use of social mediawhenever somebody says something ill-advised, they’re saying it to tens of thousands of people or more, not just a couple people they’re having drinks with. Even when you aren’t trying to broadcast your thoughts, it’s still very possible they could reach a wide audience. Just ask Hulk Hogan.

Schilling has previously saidthat he’s glad Twitter wasn’t around when he was a teenager, because of the dumb things he would have said. Apparently, one does not need to be a teenager to be stupid. Well, he could always go back and try his hand at game development.

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Remote Controlled Pterodactyl Flies Onto Kickstarter (video)

Remote Controlled Pterodactyl Flies Onto Kickstarter (video)

Ever fancied flying your very own remote controlled prehistoric Pterodactyl?

Remote Control Pterodactyl

Ever fancied flying your very own remote controlled prehistoric Pterodactyl? If you have then you are sure to be interested in a Kickstartercampaign that has entered its final two weeks with the aim of raising $30,000.

The Kickstarter project is for a remote controlled 5 foot ornithopter that is shaped like a Pterodactyl and provides users with a 500m range and a maximum flying time of 20 minutes.

The Pterodactyl is constructed from durable polyfoam and is powered by an interchangeable 11.1 volt 1300mAh rechargeable battery and controlled using a 2.4G controller. The prehistoric remote-control bird is also equipped with realistic sound effects that take the form of a screeching sound that can be triggered during flight.

Watch the video below to learn more about this very unique remote-controlled flying device that can also be equipped with an optional camera harness to record your flights. Its creators explain more:

“Our Pterodactyls have a unique foot system that allows for easy control over your “bird”.  Simply move the controller lever to adjust the feet to go up or down, left or right.  You can add additional items to your pledge level by simply choosing the item(s) you would like from the list below and then following the instructions to add to your pledge.”

– $15 – Extra Controller Battery
– $20 – Extra Set Of Pterodactyl Feet
– $25 – Extra Battery For Your Pterodactyl
– $30 – Extra Set Of Pterodactyl Wings
– $50 – GoPro Camera Harness For Your Pterodactyl

For more information on the new remote controlled Pterodactyl jump over to the Kickstarter website for details and to make a pledge from $250.

Source: Kickstarter

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Why ESPN Suspended Keith Olbermann

Why ESPN Suspended Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann is one of the most outspoken people on television, rarely pulling punches in either the sports or political worlds.

Keith Olbermann is one of the most outspoken people on television, rarely pulling punches in either the sports or political worlds. So it should come as no surprise that his most recent case of vitriol-spewing has landed Olbermannin temporary hot water with ESPN, which suspended him from his self-titled series for the next week after the host engaged in a Twitter warwith students from Penn State University, a college that he openly and wholeheartedly hates.

It all started when a PSU student tagged Olbermann in a tweet linking to a story about the college raising over $13 million for a pediatric cancerorganization. The student wrote “We are!” and Olbermann responded with “…Pathetic.” And though the sportscaster was basically just making a rip on PSU students in general, everyone came out of the woodwork to call him out for shitting on a huge fundraisingsuccess. And instead of taking his licks quietly, Olbermann held ground on his platform and shot back with messages like this.

@codykoninability? It's a choice. You're Penn State. End of discussion.

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 23, 2015
And this.

@EricOwensFSDon't make shit up, Sonny. You'll wind up running Penn State.

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 24, 2015
It went on for a while, with Olbermann trash-talking PSU and its student body in every response. It seems like he had to know some kind of punishment would follow it, yet he kept going. And perhaps even more telling, he hasn’t deleted any of the tweets after ESPN brought the suspension down on his head. But he did apologize, although the genuineness behind the words is certainly up in the air.

I apologize for the PSU tweets. I was stupid and childish and way less mature than the students there who did such a great fundraising job.

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 24, 2015
ESPNreleased a statement predictably removing themselves from the situation, saying that this was all on Olbermann's time. The suspension will last for the next week, and Olbermann will have its host back next for Monday's telecast. And I'll eat a Penn State hat if he doesn't make some kind of a backhanded comment before the first commercial break. Incidentally, if you want to hear him go off even more, check out this videofrom last month.

What do you guys think of ESPN's decision?

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Apple Live Photos Now Supported By Google Photos For iOS App

Apple Live Photos Now Supported By Google Photos For iOS App

Google has this week rolled out a new update for its Google Photos iOS application which brings with it a number of new features, one of which adds support for the new Apple Live Photo technology.

Apple Live Photos

The new release in the form of version 1.8.0 is now available to download directly from the iTunes App Store and allows Google Photo users to backup and view Live Photos, as well as reduce the cache usage when your device is low on space.

Other new features within the latest Google Photos release include improved application navigation providing ways to find the photos you are looking for and spend less time flipping “hamburger menus “ says Google.

Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos. Automatically organized and searchable, you can find photos fast and bring them to life.

• VISUAL SEARCH: Your photos are now searchable by the people, places and things that appear in them. Looking for that fish taco you ate in Hawaii? Just search “food in Hawaii” to find it – no tagging required.

• FREE UNLIMITED HIGH QUALITY STORAGE: Back up all your photos and videos for free. Access them on any device and photos.google.com. Your photos are safe, secure, and private to you.

• FREE UP SPACE: Never worry about running out of space on your phone again. Just tap “Free up space” – photos that are safely backed up will be removed from your device’s storage.

• BRING PHOTOS TO LIFE: Google Photos will automatically create movies, collages, animations, panoramas, and more from your photos. Or easily create them yourself.

• EASY EDITING: Transform photos with a tap. Use simple, yet powerful, photo and video editing tools to apply filters, adjust colors, and more.

• SHARED ALBUMS: Get everyone’s photos in one place, no matter what device they’re on. Invite friends and family to add photos with just a link and get notified when new photos are added.

• INSTANT SHARING: Instantly share up to 1,500 photos with anyone, just by sending a link.

• REDISCOVER: Be reminded of your memories from the past. Look back at what you did a year ago, or two, or even 10 years ago.

• CAST: View your photos and videos on your TV with Chromecast support.

Jump ver to the iTunes App store for more details via the link below.

Source: iTunes

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What Bill Simmons Really Thinks Of ESPN's NFL Coverage

What Bill Simmons Really Thinks Of ESPN's NFL Coverage

You can take the rant out of Bill Simmons, but…well, there is no but, really, because Bill Simmons is going to give you his rants whether you asked for them or not.

You can take the rant out of Bill Simmons, but…well, there is no but, really, because Bill Simmons is going to give you his rants whether you asked for them or not. Which is fine, since he’s usually got a point with whatever he’s talking about. His latest outburst pointed a big fat finger at his former employerESPN for being in bed with the NFLas far as their coverage goes. Shots fired!

A former leader of Grantland , Simmons recently started up a new podcast (understandably called The Bill Simmons Podcast ), and it took exactly zero time for him to jump on the offensive against ESPN. Here’s what he had to say about the network’s take on the Deflategate scandal.
The way everyone else was covering Goodell's role in this whole story versus the way ESPN covered it, it was embarrassing. I couldn’t believe nobody called out ESPN about it…Especially in the weeks after the broken cell phone thing, when it came out that they had obviously leaked stuff, that something really legitimately shady was going on, and yet if you went to ESPN you didn’t see anything. It was just hard to come away from that and not think that ESPN is in the bag for the NFL, because they were.
As a football fan who prefers to get my news from places other than ESPN, I’m fully onboard with Simmons in this case. Rather than being an impartial party, like a jury member, ESPN generally just pretends that the New England Patriots, who have been caught cheating several times in the last few years, are basically rapscallions who are bending the rules a little bit, rather than breaking them outright. And no one there ever seems to have a bad thing to say about NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell either, or how he has handled any of the NFL’s scandals in recent years. Obviously there are a number of deals in place between the companies, but there should be some objectivity involved.

And should we have expected anything different? After all, Simmons actually got suspendedby ESPN last year for going the hell off on Roger Goodell, calling him a liar for claiming the NFL didn’t know anything about the video of Ray Riceknocking his girlfriend out at an Atlantic City casino. It would be kind of weird if Simmons suddenly started respecting Goodell and congratulating ESPN for their arguably one-sided coverage.

You can check out the entire podcastepisode below.

Those missing Bill Simmons on TV won’t have too long to wait, as he is currently employed by HBOand has at least one new show coming in the beginning of 2016. You can bet he won’t hold anything back, either.

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ESPN Is Starting To Have Real Ratings Problems

ESPN Is Starting To Have Real Ratings Problems

Few cable networks have ever been as consistently profitable as ESPN.

Few cable networks have ever been as consistently profitable as ESPN. Thanks to a wide variety of live sporting events and an army of the more famous athletic analysts on television, the Disney subsidiary has been able to demand the highest carriage fees from every cable company. Unfortunately for ESPN, however, the days of printing money may be coming to an end.

Ratings for ESPN’s flagship program, SportsCenter , have dipped ten percent. NFL Countdown is down thirteen percent, and combined with the lack of World Cup programming and NASCAR events, viewership is collectively down ten percent when compared to 2014. Some of that has to do with more Americans getting rid of their entire cable packages, but some of it also has to do with viewers simply choosing alternate programming. According to Bloomberg, NBCSN and Fox Sports 1 have both experienced double digit gains in the last year.

In keeping with the loss in viewership, ESPN has eliminated hundreds of jobs in the last year, and executives elected to part ways with some of the company’s franchise players, including Bill Simmons, Keith Olbermann, Colin Cowherdand more. No doubt those personnel loses cost the network some viewers, but the decisions are all part of ESPN’s overall strategy of putting the brand ahead of any specific players, no matter how popular.

There will always be an audience for live sports. In fact, most of ESPN’s live sports broadcasts are actually up, but with the proliferation of highlights and clips across the Internet, SportsCenter’s permanent popularity is hardly assured. Executives seem to realize that too. Goofy, underrated and viral friendly anchor Scott Van Pelthas been pushed hard, as he’s seemingly seen as someone who can attract younger, more culturally aware viewers. Look for the network to find a few more personalities like him who aren’t afraid to tackle gambling and racier topics.

ESPN will ultimately be fine. Disneyis too well-run of a company and they’re too far ahead of their nearest competitors to let the wheels completely come off. They’ll figure it out, but executives seem to finally be getting the message that something needs to change. Maybe it’s a streaming service. Maybe it’s a complete reinvention of SportsCenter . Maybe it’s an obscure idea no one has come up with yet. There are a ton of possibilities, but whatever that idea is needs to come sooner rather than later. If not, more jobs will be lost, more famous faces will be parted with and more articles exactly like this will be written. And that’s not in fan’s or the network’s best interests.

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Did This ESPN Analyst Just Fall Asleep In The Middle Of An Interview?

Did This ESPN Analyst Just Fall Asleep In The Middle Of An Interview?

ESPN is known for hiring analysts who are enthusiastic, vociferous and more.

is known for hiring analysts who are enthusiastic, vociferous and more. In fact, numerous other adjectives apply that indicate the analysts on the network are either informed, energetic or both. However, every once in awhile, a talking head on ESPN doesn't bring that same level of energy. Usually, it's because there's a very serious topic being discussed. In the case of Brian Windhorst, however, it was because he may have fallen asleep. Watch the moment, below.

After the NBA commenter took a bunch of crap on the internet for looking like he had momentarily taken a snooze, Brian Windhorst took to social mediato state that he was actually checking his phone. According to the analyst, he was not taking a nap during the recent segment with Cari Champion, at all. Here’s what he had to say:

When @AdamSchefterlooks at his phone on TV he gets endorsement deals. When I do people think I have narcolepsy. #SportsCenterProblems

— Brian Windhorst (@WindhorstESPN) March 29, 2016
To his credit, when you are being filmed in an interview like that you are facing a camera and not directly facing the person you are chatting with, so figuring out where to train your eyes can be complicated. Under that circumstance, I suppose choosing to look at your phone is as good of a place as any. In addition, Cari Champion was asking the man about his feelings on what someone else had to say about Russell Westbrook. Instead of trashing that journalist or saying something quickly, it may be only natural that Brian Windhorst took a moment before he responded, making it seem as if he had zoned out—or worse—fallen asleep. (He really does look asleep.)

sleeping windhorst

Meanwhile, poor Cari was sitting there and was unable to see what Brian Windhorst was doing, so she thought the live camera feed had been dropped for several seconds, which does occasionally happen with live TV. The lesson to probably be learned from all of this is that we live in an age where technology and distractions are literally right atour fingertips. However, if you are in the middle of filming footage for ESPN, it’s probably not the best timeto be checking your phone—even if Adam Schefter does it too. That way, no one will ever accuse you of pulling a Mike Ditkaand sleeping on the job.

The event in question happened during Tuesday's telecast of SportsCenter . You can catch new episodes on ESPNall the time. Check your local listings.

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New Massive Attack iOS App Lets You Create Your Own Personal Dub Mixes

New Massive Attack iOS App Lets You Create Your Own Personal Dub Mixes

In preparation for their UK tour Massive Attack has released a new iOS application  in the form of the Fantom app that provides fans with four tracks from the band’s latest upcoming EP as well as providing ways to create your own personal dub mixes.

Massive Attack iOS App

The Massive Attack iOS app is now available to download via the iTunes App Store for free and utilises the advanced sensors and Health Kit features of iOS devices to remix the latest tracks with your heartbeat.
The Fantom app supports any Apple smartphone from the iPhone 5S upwards and is available to download from today.

Fantom features the brand new EP from Massive Attack and lets you play back both the ‘original’ mixes of songs as composed by the band but also dynamically produce your very own ‘personal’ dub mixes.

‘Personal’ mixes reflect your movement and balance, the time of day or night, your location and surroundings (as captured by your device’s camera). Try moving around and pointing your camera and recording the effects as it generates a live mix from your unique set of inputs.

For those of you with Apple Watch, tap the Fantom watch app Heart Rate mode and your heartbeat will vary the harmonic and rhythmic cadences of the songs. Moving your wrist will also create different effects on tracks. If you are stationary then the mix will also reflect this.

Live social media events also trigger interesting sets of mix events. Your individual Fantom audio mix data can be shared with others by sending pictures or video clips of your current mixes to your contacts – in turn their app will open and playback your personalised mix.

Jump over to the official iTunes App Stores to download and for more information via the link below.

Source: iTunes

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Erin Andrews Claims ESPN Forced Her To Give Interview After Her Nude Video Leaked

Erin Andrews Claims ESPN Forced Her To Give Interview After Her Nude Video Leaked

Way back in 2009, ESPN reporter Erin Andrews woke up on a morning much like any other to find that a nude video of herself had been taken without her permission or knowledge and posted on the internet.

Way back in 2009, ESPN reporter Erin Andrews woke up on a morning much like any other to find that a nude video of herself had been taken without her permission or knowledge and posted on the internet. In the time since the video was posted online, Andrews has seen her stalker Michael David Barrett get arrested and released from a correctional facility after spending several years in jail. She’s also relived being stalkedover and over again during various litigation, including because of a $75 million suit she filed against her convicted stalker and the hotel group, West End Hotel Partners (the stalkingtook place at hotels). As part of the litigation, Erin Andrews is now saying that her employer, ESPN, forced her to do an interview about the nude video in order to keep her job. Here’s what she had to say during the trial: Because there wasn't an arrest, because we didn't know where this happened, my bosses at ESPN told me, 'Before you go back on-air for college football, we need you to give us a sit-down interview.' That was the only way I was going to be allowed back.
During the trial, Erin Andrews sat still, but tearfully explained the ordeal she says she was forced to go through after the video was posted online. For a long time, she says that people were accusatory toward her, assuming that somehow she had been responsible for the video appearing online. Andrews says that ESPN did give her the option of choosing who to do the interview with, although the network pushed Good Morning America , since it airs on ABC (which is under the same umbrella as ESPN). Andrews decided to go with Oprah Winfrey, instead, being very candid with the celebrityinterviewer’s creative team about what was happening: I talked to her producers. I told her I didn't want to do it, but this was the only way I was going to be put back on air.
Per Deadspin, she did the interview, shaking and upset, although the experience doesn’t sound like it was all that great, despite the fact that she also says Oprah and her team were very nice to her. We went, I wanted nothing to do with it. I was in the office, or her green room, and I was sitting there and I was just bawling at my parents. “It’s Oprah Winfrey, how do you not want to see her?” And I was just freaking out, and I just said “I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to do this. I just want to go back to college football. I don’t want to talk about what happened to me, why can’t I just be normal? Like, why can’t I go back?
Also during the trial, Michael David Barrett detailed how easy it was to find Erin Andrews’ hotel room at the Nashville Marriott. Once there, he talkedhis way into the room next door to hers and hacksawed through her peephole to take the footage. All in all, once a person’s private life has been intruded on, it’s very difficult to feel normal again. Especially when the people you hope to have in your corner decidedly aren’t.

Nude videos and photos of celebrities have been running around since the internet began, sometimes by choice, but more often than not because of hacksor leaked footage. When this happens, it’s important not to demean the women it happened to, so that everyone can push forward and move past the incident. After all, that’s in everyone's best interests.

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Why Mike Ditka Is Leaving NFL Countdown

Why Mike Ditka Is Leaving NFL Countdown

Mike Ditka is making a big move.

Mike Ditka is making a big move. The former NFLplayer and coach has spent a lot of time on NFL Countdown , but coming up, he’ll be quitting the long-running series to take on a new role with the network. Instead of appearing on NFL Countdown on Sundays and Mondays, he’ll be popping up on SportCenter , instead. Here’s why the man says he is making the big switch:
This new role is really a blessing. It’s something I asked for. After many years of weekend travel, I’m thrilled I’ll get to watch NFL games on Sundays and Monday nights in the comfort of my own home. I enjoy being part of the game and part of ESPN. I really do. So this is a great solution.
Changes happens in sports commentary about as often as they happen on actual sports teams, and Ditka’s announcement comes after NFL Countdown had a down year in the ratings. Still, Mike Ditka’s move also comes with a 2-year contract renewal and his decision to hop to SportsCenter seems to be working for him.  Besides, working on NFL Countdown seems to have been a fairly rough position, mostly because it required travel to shoot the series in a studio with the other commentators. His new role on SportsCenter will often enable him to shoot remote segments from his two homes in Chicago and Florida. Mike Ditka will join the SportsCenter team this coming September, shortly beforehis 77th birthday. When Ditka leaves NFL Countdown , he will be replaced by Matt Hasselbeck, who up until recently played for the Indianapolis Colts but has now retired from the game.

Travel can be a burden, even if it’s only a few days a week, and no one is going to accuse Mike Ditka of having the youthful energy to take on such a strenuous gig. The man is 76 years old and probably doesn’t need a schedule as demanding as ESPN’s NFL Countdown can be. Remember that time, for instance, when he fell asleep in the middle of a live broadcast?

As noted by the Chicago Tribune, Mike Ditka has spoken out in the past about enjoying the actual commentator portion of his position but disliking the travel. He even has gone so far as to call the travel “the hard part” of his job.
The work of being an analyst is not hard. The hard part is getting there. If I had a way to get there instantly, on a private plane or something, it would be different. Going through the airports kind of gets old.
So, after retiring from football and then retiring from coaching, he will now be retiring from NFL Countdown . Sans the travel, though, his new gigshould be easier to bear.

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Awesome Spark iOS Email App Launches On iPad

Awesome Spark iOS Email App Launches On iPad

After launching last year on Apple’s iPhone and willing the coveted “App Store Best of 2015” from Apple, Readdle the developers of the Spark iOS email application today announced its launch onto the larger screened Apple iPad devices.

Spark iOS Email App

Enabling you to sort your mail in style on the larger screen Apple tablets as well as bringing with it a number of new features, enhancements and useful updates for users to enjoy.

As well as supporting both iPhone and iPad devices the Spark iOS email app has also been taken to Apple’s Watch and allows you to check, search and respond to emails directly from your wrist. As developers explain more about the latest features and functions which have rolled out in version 1.6.0.

Spark makes sure everything in your inbox is the same on your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. It’s called “synchronization” and like Penn and Teller, it keeps everything magically organized in invisible boxes. This is the biggest update to Spark yet! (Have you seen the size of that iPad Pro screen?!?). But, we’re not stopping. The whole team is hard at work on Spark for Mac, so you’ll soon be able to do magic with email from your desk. Imagine that!

We sent Spark to language school and it came out top of its class. In just a couple of weeks it learnt English, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese. We’re so proud!

Your friends might not understand why you bought that Apple Watch, but we do! It’s so you can keep managing your emails even when you’re eating your burrito. This update brings support for the latest Watch OS 2, so you can have lunch and manage email at the same time!

Jump over to the iTunes App Store for more details and to download.

Source: iTunes

Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals

Exploding Kittens Card Game Now Available As An iOS App

Exploding Kittens Card Game Now Available As An iOS App

If you have been enjoying playing the awesome Exploding Kittens card game which launched over on Kickstarter and raised a massive $8.7 million in funding thanks to over 219,000 backers, you may be interested to know that its creators have now released an Exploding Kittens iOS application.

Exploding Kittens iOS App

To celebrate the launch of the Exploding Kittens iOS app its publishers are currently allowing you to bag all the in-app purchases for free, and allows 2 to 5 players to engage in the fun across multiple devices in the same room.

The Exploding Kittens iOS app is now available to purchase priced at $1.99 and features include :

– Exploding Kittens is a local multiplayer card game for people who are into kittens and explosions and laser beams and sometimes goats.

– Play with 2 to 5 players across multiple phones in the same room

– All art illustrated by The Oatmeal

– New cards exclusive to the digital version

– The digital version of the most backed game in Kickstarter history

Exploding Kittens iOS App-1

In this highly-strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette, players draw cards until someone draws an Exploding Kitten, at which point they explode, they are dead, and they are out of t​he game — unless that player has a Defuse card, which can defuse the Kitten using things like laser pointers, belly rubs, and catnip sandwiches. All of the other cards in the deck are used to move, mitigate, or avoid the Exploding Kittens.

Source: iTunes

Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals

How Much Money The Horrible College Football Playoff Ratings Cost ESPN

How Much Money The Horrible College Football Playoff Ratings Cost ESPN

When the highest-rated programs are tallied every year, you’re always going to find football games on it, so it makes sense for networks to envision some of the biggest games of the year drawing in hordes of howling fans.

When the highest-rated programs are tallied every year, you’re always going to find football games on it, so it makes sense for networks to envision some of the biggest games of the year drawing in hordes of howling fans. But ESPN severely overshot its confidence that people would spend their New Year’s Eve with the College Football Playoffs, and both semifinal games’ terrible ratings mean the network has to provide around $20 million to advertisers in ad makegoods.

The Thursday night games, Alabama/Michigan St. and Clemson/Oklahoma, were watched by 15.6 million and 18.5 million, respectively. Certainly not numbers to scoff at, but they were both down around 40% compared to last year’s duo, and were watched by far fewer viewers than ESPN and the College Football Playoff Committee hoped. Perhaps ESPNwas expecting such a disaster, though, as the network held off on selling ad spots during an NFL playoff game this past weekend, as well as during tonight’s National Championship between Alabama and Clemson. Those spots were filled up with ads from some of those jilted last week, but they won’t cover the entire amount owed, and getting a make-up ad after the fact messes with the timeliness of some company’s promos.

Holidays are generally good days for sports ratings, but New Year’s Eve is a day when many people are out of the house for one reason or another, and ESPN should have probably been more realistic about its expectations and projections for advertisers. Charging ratesas high as $1.3 million for 30-second spots should have been immediately shut down, but I guess it’s good that it happened once, so that the execs can use this as a cautionary tale for future playoff games.

As well they should, since 7 of the next 10 playoff series games will take place on New Year’s Eve, a factor that some are trying to change, according to Broadcasting Cable. But that likely won’t be altered in the near future, as those in charge aren’t swayed by this year’s lower-than-expected turnout. After all, if next year’s games feature teams with huge national followings, that would definitely help to bring in those who weren’t personally invested in victories from Alabama and/or Clemson. And it would help if next year’s games aren’t total blowouts from the ground running, as well.

College football ratings have risen in recent years, though they’ll likely never reach the audiences of a Super Bowlfrom even the worst teams. As such, ESPN probably shouldn’t pretend the college playoffs are worthy of similarly high price tags. Okay, so Super Bowl commercial rates eclipsed $1.3 million years ago, but still.

Will this year’s National Championship find a huge audience, and could it possibly match last year’s record numbers? Find out when it airs on ESPN at 8:30 p.m. ET.

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Vine iOS App Now Supports Apple 3D Touch

Vine iOS App Now Supports Apple 3D Touch

Users of the Vine iOS application that are also using the latest 3D Touch enabled Apple smartphone hardware, may be interested to know that a new update has been rolled out by Vine this week which brings with it the addition of support for Apple’s new 3D Touch technology.

Vine iOS App Now Supports 3D Touch

The addition of 3D Touch support now makes it easier for Vine users to make a ‘Vine’ or open ‘Explore’ directly from their iOS device’s home screen.

As well as adding support for Apple’s 3D Touch interface the latest Vine iOS app update also brings with it a number of tweets, enhancements and improvements including the ability to now watch an account’s Vines in any order you want. From an account page, tap the icon next to Posts and select Newest, Oldest or Popular.

Jump over to the Apple iOS App Store for more details and to download the latest application for free.

Vine is the entertainment network where videos and personalities get really big, really fast. Watch videos that create trends, influence culture and make you laugh. Discover stories, characters and remixes you can’t find anywhere else. Be the first to hear incredible new artists and songs. (Vine supports iPhone 4 and higher and iOS8+)

– Watch and follow Vine channels like Comedy, Music, and OMG.
– Check out “Popular Now” and “On the Rise” to see what’s trending on Vine right now.
– Get notified when your favorite Viners post by tapping the star in the top right corner of their profile.
– Revine posts you love or share them on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.
– Make your own Vines and share them on the world’s biggest stage. Your post may go viral or start the next big trend!

Source: TNW: iTunes

Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals

Exploding Kittens Card Game Now Available As An iOS App

Exploding Kittens Card Game Now Available As An iOS App

If you have been enjoying playing the awesome Exploding Kittens card game which launched over on Kickstarter and raised a massive $8.7 million in funding thanks to over 219,000 backers, you may be interested to know that its creators have now released an Exploding Kittens iOS application.

Exploding Kittens iOS App

To celebrate the launch of the Exploding Kittens iOS app its publishers are currently allowing you to bag all the in-app purchases for free, and allows 2 to 5 players to engage in the fun across multiple devices in the same room.

The Exploding Kittens iOS app is now available to purchase priced at $1.99 and features include :

– Exploding Kittens is a local multiplayer card game for people who are into kittens and explosions and laser beams and sometimes goats.

– Play with 2 to 5 players across multiple phones in the same room

– All art illustrated by The Oatmeal

– New cards exclusive to the digital version

– The digital version of the most backed game in Kickstarter history

Exploding Kittens iOS App-1

In this highly-strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette, players draw cards until someone draws an Exploding Kitten, at which point they explode, they are dead, and they are out of t​he game — unless that player has a Defuse card, which can defuse the Kitten using things like laser pointers, belly rubs, and catnip sandwiches. All of the other cards in the deck are used to move, mitigate, or avoid the Exploding Kittens.

Source: iTunes

Popular Geeky Gadgets Deals

Luke Cage: What We Know So Far About Marvel's Netflix Series

Luke Cage: What We Know So Far About Marvel's Netflix Series

Jessica Jones predominantly centers on the incredibly strong, alcoholic private detective that the show is named after, but she’s not the only superhero given a piece of the limelight.

predominantly centers on the incredibly strong, alcoholic private detective that the show is named after, but she’s not the only superhero given a piece of the limelight. The series also happens to be the launching ground for the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of Luke Cage – played by actor Mike Colter – and while the character plays second fiddle to Jones in her series, it won’t be long until the fan favorite Hero For Hire is starring in a show of his very own.

As we learned all the way back in November 2013, Luke Cage will be the third of four series launched as part of the deal between Marvel Studios and Netflix, and will culminate in a special miniseries called. The show will hit Netflix on Friday, September 30, and after Mike Colter’s raved-about turn in Jessica Jones , excitement for the program is very high. So what do we know so far about the title? Well, let’s start by watching the first teaser trailer, shall we?

Who is staring in the series? Who is constructing the vision for the show? Who will be the supporting characters featured? How will it crossover with the rest of the Marvel Netflix shows? For answers to all these questions, simply read on!

SPOILER WARNING: The following article contains some massive spoilers for the first season of Jessica Jones , and some minors ones for the second season of Daredevil . If you have not yet had a chance to watch either show, we recommend that you click away to another one of our wonderful articles!

Luke CageMike Colter made a fantastic debut as Luke Cage in Jessica Jones - appearing in a grand total of seven of the 13 episodes – and it only made us more excited to see the focus shift to him in his own series of adventures in 2016. The character we were introduced to in Marvel and Netflix’s second series is a strong and confident man carrying some serious emotional damage – and we expect the show to both develop that and explain where it all came from.

Created by the writer/artist team of Archie Goodwin and John Romita, Sr., Luke Cage was initially inspired by the emergence of Blaxploitation films, and was launched into the Marvel universe in 1972 with his own series Luke Cage, Hero For Hire . The character's main superpower is that he has unbreakable skin that cannot be cut or burned – a result of an experiment that was conducted on him while he was imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit.

We expect that the Luke Cage series will dive into the character’s origin story and will show how he received his “gifts,” but most of it will be dedicated to following the character after the events of Jessica Jones . As a result, we will not only see him still grieving the death of his wife, Reva Connors, but also still suffering the after effects of Kilgrave taking over his mind. But, of course, that will be secondary stuff behind the show’s serial plot.

Luke CageMarvel didn’t even wait for the release of Daredevil before making the choice of who would take the helm and steer the direction of Luke Cage . In March 2015, they announcedthat television veteran Cheo Hodari Coker will be serving as the showrunner for the third Marvel/Netflix shows.

Hoker's career began with a taste of the features world, having written the script for the 2009 Notorious BIG biopic Notorious , but since then he has been all about the small screen. This particular adventure started as a writer/producer on Southland , but he's also worked on NCIS: Los Angeles and Almost Human . Most recently his work has been featured on the Showtime series Ray Donovan - having been a co-executive producer on 12 episodes.

As you can probably tell from these credits, most of the stuff Cheo Hodari Coker has done has centered around crime (with Almost Human adding a dash of sci-fi), so it makes sense that he would be at the helm of Luke Cage . The series is very much expected to fall in line tonally with both Daredevil and Jessica Jones - both different kinds of crime shows themselves – so Coker certainly does seem like a smart choice for the showrunner gig.

Luke Cage

The Story

As confirmedby star Mike Colter, the events of Luke Cage will be set a few months after what unfolds in Jessica Jones , allowing the show to both have some breathing room from the plot of that show and set up its own plotline. Of course, like both Daredevil and Jessica Jones , it’s fully expected that the events of the past will very much influence the events of the present in the third original Marvel/Netflix show, though the central location of events will be moving from Hell’s Kitchen over to the neighborhood of Harlem.

Not a great deal has been officially confirmed about the plot of Luke Cage , though an official release from Marveldescribed the show thusly:
When a sabotaged experiment gives him super strength and unbreakable skin, Luke Cage becomes a fugitive attempting to rebuild his life in Harlem, and must soon confront his past and fight a battle for the heart of his city.
As for the central villain of the show (in the vein of Wilson Fiskand Kilgrave), it's been speculatedthat part could belong to Willis Stryker - a childhood friend of Luke's who takes a divergent path in life and falls deep into the crime world (ultimately framing Luke for drug possession and getting him sent to prison because Willis loved Reva Connors and she chose Luke over him). Given that an actor hasn’t been hired to play Willis Stryker yet, however, we’re not sure how true this rumor is.

Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes

Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes

Actor Mahershala Ali got a taste of the franchise world starring in both halves of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay finale, but now he is going to be an important player in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a key rolein Luke Cage . In September 2015 it was officially announced by Marvel that Ali has been cast to play Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes in the upcoming show.

In typical Marvel fashion, we don’t really know much about how Stokes will be portrayed in the new Netflix series, but he has been described as a Harlem nightclub owner who has quite a bit of power in the criminal underworld. It hasn't been fully revealed how exactly he winds up crossing paths with Luke Cage - given that the hero tries to lay low as a simple bar owner - but it's been reported that Stokes' criminal activities wind up threatening Luke's world.

From Hunger Games to House of Cards , Mahershala Ali has demonstrated the ability to project a very powerful quiet intensity, and that should serve him quite well as Cornell Stokes. Whether or not he will have the super strength and sharp teeth of his comic book counterpart is unknown, but knowing the series we can probably expect them to be worked in somehow.

Misty Knight

Misty Knight

Like both Daredevil and Jessica Jones , Luke Cage will have a supporting cast filled with both notable and obscure characters from the comics, and this one happens to fall more into the latter category. Misty Knightis perhaps best known in the comics for being outfitted with a Tony Stark-provided bionic arm that she uses to help combat evil and help superhero allies – and while it’s unclear if that will be a part of her character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we will at least get an introduction in the latest Netflix superhero show.

In Luke Cage , Misty Knight will be portrayed by actress Simone Missick, but not much has been revealed about the role she will be playing on the show. We know that she will be a Harlem police detective and the partner of Detective Rafael Scarfe (more on him later). She has been described to have a “strong sense of justice,” but not much has been revealed about how she will find herself on Luke Cage’s trail.

Black Mariah

Black Mariah

In the comics, Black Mariah is a gang leader who runs a pack of New York criminals called The Rat Pack. They're a rather despicable bunch, as they're known for riding around in a stolen ambulance, picking up dead bodies, and stealing any and all valuables that they have on their person. Mariah and the gang end up crossing paths with Luke Cage after he is hired to hunt down a body that she stole. All that being said, it looks like the character will be portrayed much differently in the third Marvel Netflix series.

In August 2015 it was officially announcedthat Alfre Woodard was joining Luke Cage in a significant role. What’s interesting about the character description is that she is referred to as “a powerful woman in local politics” – which you’ll notice doesn’t exactly sound similar to the person outlined above. There are many instances where Marvel Studios has applied familiar names to new personalities, and this may be one of those cases.

“Shades” Alvarez

“Shades” Alvarez

Sons of Anarchy fans spent years getting to know Theo Rossi as Juan Carlos 'Juice' Ortiz – a biker who regularly finds himself stuck between a rock and a hard place, often due his own stupidity. Those of you who are expecting the actor to do something similar in Luke Cage will be disappointed, however, as this time around he’s playing someone with a bit of brains.

It’s been confirmedthat Rossi will be playing “Shades” Alvarez in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and will be making his debut in the third original Marvel Netflix series. Not much is known about what kind of role he will have in the overall plot of Luke Cage , but he has been described as being “relentless and menacing, smooth and manipulative, street smart and controlling.” In the comics, he and the show’s titular character actually go way back, as they were both members of the street gang known as The Rivals. In the years since his introduction, they have clashed many times and for many different reasons, and that tradition is expected to continue in live-action.

Detective Scarfe

Detective Rafael Scarfe

Remember how I said we would get into Detective Rafael Scarfe later? Well, the time has come. First appearing in a 1975 Iron Fist comic, Scarfe is a war veteran and an honest cop who serves with the New York Police Department. He will be partnered with Misty Knight at the start of the series, and will presumably become involved in the larger plot of Luke Cage either investigating the titular character or looking into the criminal dealings of Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes.

Having gotten a taste of comic book television appearing in a 2014 episode of Gotham , Frank Whaleywill be playing Detective Rafael Scarfe in Luke Cage . He has some experience working with showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker, having been in seven episodes of Ray Donovan , and it wouldn’t be at all surprising to learn that relationship had some influence on the casting.

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones

As we saw unfold in her show, Jessica Jonesand Luke Cage have a very complicated relationship. The alcoholic former superhero-turned-private detective first started spying on Luke as a result of feeling guilty for murdering his wife, Reva Connors (under the influence of Kilgrave, of course). They meet, hook up, and she hides the secret. Eventually the truth comes out, however, and while their bond is broken for a little while, he eventually finds a way to forgive her.

In the comics, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones wind up married to each other and starting a family, but the events shown in Jessica Jones ’ first season show that they’re not quite at that point just yet. For now, they’re just a couple of people who carry a lot of shared baggage and occasionally have sex. It’s entirely likely that will change moving into the future, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

While Cage obviously played a key role on Jessica Jones , it’s unclear at this point if Jones will have a similarly sized part on Luke Cage . It may very well depend on whether or not the female superhero’s show gets picked up for a second season. If it does, Krysten Ritter’s schedule may not allow her to be on both programs.

Claire Temple

Claire Temple

We first met Rosario Dawson’s Claire Temple after she dug Daredevil’s bloody, damaged body out of a dumpster and into her apartment – but since then we’ve learned that she has a very important and much larger role to play in the Netflix-based portion of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Similar to how Agent Coulson and Nick Fury kept popping up in MCU movies before the Avengers united, Claire will be the character that ultimately ties all of the characters with Marvel Netflix shows together.

In Daredevil Season 1, Claire creates a strong bond with Matt Murdock – learning his secret identity and stitching him up after multiple brutal battles. It’s in Jessica Jones Season 1, however, that she first encounters Luke Cage. The hero also known as Power Man is knocked unconscious by a shotgun blast in the show’s finale, and it’s Claire who is ultimately tasked with trying to keep him alive (without the ability to do any really invasive procedures, of course). Obviously she succeeds – specifically by sticking a huge needle up his nose - so it’s little surprise that Luke might return to her when he runs into future medical emergencies.

Since the events of Jessica Jones , as seen in episodes of Daredevil Season 2, things haven’t been going super swimmingly for Claire Temple. She initially found herself in hot water after taking in unregistered patients as a favor for Matt Murdock, but that whole situation was further escalated by an infiltration of ninja warriors of The Hand, who wound up killing one of Claire’s co-workers. Claire was given the chance to keep her job, provided that she helped the hospital sweep all of the events under the rug, but she steadfastly refused. After storming into a boardroom full of executives and doctors and giving a speech, she was promptly fired. From a narrative perspective, this was likely done for the purposes of moving Claire up to Harlem, where she can be involved with whatever plotline Luke Cage has in store for her.

It's worth mentioning that Claire Temple in the comics is actually a romantic interest of Luke Cage's - though the character has been portrayed very differently and reinvented as Night Nurse in the Marvel Netflix shows. Given Luke’s connection to Jessica Jones, it’s unclear if the he and Claire might get together somewhere down the line, let alone in the first season of Cage’s solo show.

Iron Fist

Iron Fist

Danny Rand a.k.a. Iron Fist will be the fourth New York-based street-level hero to get his own show as part of the deal between Marvel and Netflix, and is set to be played by Game of Thrones actor Finn Jones. As of now, there hasn’t been any confirmation regarding whether or not the character will appear in Luke Cage , but considering the two characters’ long history together in the comics, we at least expect a long future of the two men being teamed up.

In the comics, Danny Rand is the son of a wealthy family who travels to the mystical city of K’un L’un and trains to become an expert martial artist. Possessing the mystical force known as the Iron Fist, he has the power to channel all of his chi into his hand - allowing him to punch his enemies with incredible power. In the comics, he is commonly teamed up with Luke Cage, as the two men have a business together called “Heroes For Hire.” As the name suggests, the operation has the duo offering their services to anyone who needs their help/has money to pay.

The Iron Fist series isn’t expected to debut until some time in 2017, but it’s entirely possible that the character could wind up making his live-action debut in Luke Cage . Of course, we will continue to update this article with the latest details on that front.

The Defenders

The Defenders

Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America all had solo films before they were brought together as teammates in Joss Whedon’s The Avengers , and that’s exactly what’s building with the various Marvel Netflix shows. Daredevil , Jessica Jones , Luke Cage and the in-development Iron Fist are all building to a special eight-episode miniseries called The Defenders that will feature all of the aforementioned titular characters joining forces.

The original Defenders was actually a team comprised of Doctor Strange, Hulk, Namor and The Silver Surfer, but obviously Marvel is just borrowing the name for the special New York-set miniseries. At this time, it’s unclear who will actually be showrunning this special event, or what/who it will be that actually leads to the street level-heroes coming together. We’ve already seen many connections made between characters, but what will lead to a team up remains a mystery. Perhaps a villainous team-up orchestrated by Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson Fisk a.k.a. Kingpin? Time will tell.

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