With Arrow having wrapped up its third season and The Flash its first, both shows are deep into building the DC TV universe on The CW, and soon they will be joined by a third series that will kick things up to the next level.
its first, both shows are deep into building the DC TV universe on The CW, and soon they will be joined by a third series that will kick things up to the next level. Originally announcedearly in 2015, the now-titled DC’s Legends of Tomorrow has earned a series order from the network. Featuring both established players from Arrow and The Flash as well as new DC characters, the show is possibly the closest we’ll ever get to a Justice League live-action TV series (ignoring that awful 1997 pilot, or course). The crossovers between Arrow and The Flash this past season have been impressive, but to have an entire series revolving around heroes AND villains working together to defeat a common threat will no doubt be enticing to both hardcore comic book enthusiasts and fans of Arrow and The Flash . Superheroes, sci-fi, action, colorful costumes, witty banter, it’ll have it all.
It will be a while until Legends of Tomorrow hits the airwaves, but fortunately there’s enough information to chew on in the meantime that has come out over the past several months, from who the main players will be to the reason they have banded together. Here’s what we know so far.The show won't start airing around the same time as Arrow or The Flash . Instead, The CWis doing the same thing with Legends of Tomorrow that ABC does with Agent Carter : saving it for midseason. The series will premiere in January 2016 and will run for 13 episodes. Filmingis currently underway, and behind-the-scenes photos from the cast and crew have alredy found their way online, like script readings. Depending on the exact premiere date and possible scheduling breaks from the network, this means it will run until sometime in April, or maybe even early May. Because it’s a midseason show, The CW hasn’t yet revealed what nightit will air or which timeslot it will get, so we’ll to wait and see which show Legends of Tomorrow will be paired with next year.
Arrow and The Flash have their titular heroes protecting their respective cities, but the protagonists in Legends of Tomorrow will be responsible for protecting the planet and all of time itself. According to the official synopsisreleased by the CW, time traveler Rip Hunter (as seen above) will assemble a group of heroes and villains to prevent the future he’s seen from happening. This group of “legends” will work together to defeat the immortal threat Vandal Savage (more on him later), who is unlike anything they have ever seen. The synopsis is mostly vague, but it does get the point across that the stakes are higher for these “legends.”
What Have We Seen So Far?
The Legends of Tomorrow pilot has only just started filming, so it will be a while until we see footage from the actual episodes. However, at the Upfronts, the CW released a trailerthat combines recycled and original footage. It features most of the main heroes meeting each other for the first time and sets the stage for who and what they will be dealing with. Think of it like a traditional Pixar teaser trailer: the content won’t be in the project, but it gives the audience a sense of what’s coming. There are also several scenes featuring the heroes fighting masked men armed with laser guns and a hint of something even more dangerous. Oh, and for those of you who have been waiting to see Ray Palmer finally shrink like The Atom from the comics, the final seconds will no doubt be pleasing.There was also a behind-the-scenes featurette uploaded shortly before the trailer came out featuring interviews with the actors and quick shots of the trailer’s action sequences being filmed.
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