Katherine Heigl Isn't Likely To Be Welcomed Back To Grey's Anatomy

Not long ago Katherine Heigl set Grey’s Anatomy fans to wondering if she might actually make a comeback on the series, and also set them off – blasting her for wanting to return to a show she didn’t have a whole lot of nice things to say about back when she was working on it.

fans to wondering if she might actually make a comeback on the series, and also set them off – blasting her for wanting to return to a show she didn’t have a whole lot of nice things to say about back when she was working on it. Rumor from the Grey’s camp has it she’s not welcome back.

EWreports that their sources over on the ABC production say Heigl is pretty much persona non grata on the set. Apparently people are still a little irritated at her attitude in the past. She famously complained about the 17-hour workdays on the set and stated that she didn’t think her material in the show was Emmy-worthy (although she did actually win one in 2007). Rumors that her character might be killed off due to her behavior came to nothing, and she wound up being let out of her contract early in 2010. Ostensibly she left to raise her daughter and focus on her less than sparkling movie career.

While promoting her latest film, One for the Money , Heigl told reporters she would like to return to the showand that she has already let showrunners know she is up for an Izzie comeback. At the time the show’s reps had no comment, but it seems the response has slipped out the back door: it’s very unlikely Izzie will re-appear on the show.

If nothing else, Heigl managed to get herself some publicity, which may well have been behind the announcement of her desire to return to the series. As for Izzie, we’ll have to see if time brings the series back around to welcoming her back, or if she’s in permanent exile.

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