Oftentimes, the Game of Thrones penultimate episodes are the really action-packed ones, as the series finales often set up for the next season.
penultimate episodes are the really action-packed ones, as the series finales often set up for the next season. However, during 2015, the body count was high on HBOs fantasy drama, mostly thanks to the season finale. Now, that were gearing upfor Season 6, there are so many directions the show is going in, its hard to keep up. Which is why weve put together this awesome guide looking into everything we know so far about Season 6 of Game of Thrones . Take a look at all the information weve put together, below.
Looking for all the details regarding Season 5 of Game of Thrones ? No problem, head here.While one season of Game of Thrones did hit the airwaves at the very end of March,most have premiered in April and recently Game of Thrones announcedSeason 6 will begin airing on April 24, 2016 at 9 p.m. ET, on HBO.
Luckily, HBO does a great job of keeping up fan interest during the long summer and winter months before the drama returns to the schedule. This typically includes an information-filled Comic-Con panel, although A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin has didn'tattend this year. Also different about this summer: the Season 6 panel included a lot of stories from the set, but less casting information than normal!In addition to a posterfeaturing a bloodied Jon Snow and a few shots in the HBO end of year promotionalvideo, Game of Thrones has released the first big teaserfor Season 6 of the hit drama, which features voiceover from Bran, not to mention another creepy teaser set in the House of Black and White. By the time we got the first footage from the new season, the showrunners were adamant that Jon Snow is dead, and we even get to see him laid out on a slab of brick. But that's not the most interesting thing about the jam-packed footage the network has released so far:
In the second trailer for the hit drama, we hear more about the major war against the dead and get to see Sansa in a warrior costume for the first time. These episodes are looking better and better by the minute
Who Is Cast In Season 6 Of Game Of Thrones?
It would take too long to list every single one of the characters still alive and breathing on Game of Thrones . While the pool of characters on the series was thinned considerable during the Season 5 finale, suffice to say, expect to see plenty of Daenerys (Emilia Clarke), Cersei (Lena Headey), Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), Tyrion (Peter Dinklage), Sansa (Sophie Turner), Arya (Maisie Williams), Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen), Theon (Alfie Allen), and Sam (John Bradley-West) next season, not to mention a slew of other characters.Its probably easier to mention who we may not be seeing next season. Season 5 saw us saying farewellto Ser Barristan(Ian McElhinney), Shireen Baratheon(Kerry Ingram ), Mance Rayder (Ciarin Hinds), Janos Slynt (Dominic Carter), Maester Aemon (Peter Vaughan), Hizdahr zo Loraq (Joel Fry), Selyse Baratheon (Sarah MacKeever), Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane), Myranda (Charlotte Hope), Meryn Trant (Ian Beattie), Myrcella Baratheon (Nell Tiger Free), and of course, Jon Snow (Kit Harington). More on Jon Snow later.
Also, we are definitely going to see the return next season of Bran and Hodor, who were cut out of the plotlines during Season 5 as the story grew bigger and bigger. We will get to see them again in Season 6. Likewise, The Houndhas been rumored to make an appearance in Season 6, which is the biggest surprise of them all.Recent reports have also indicated that fan-favorite character Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully will returnto the plot for a fun storyline potentially involving holding a fortress for the late Robb Stark (more info).
Several old characters will be returning, but will be played by new actors. Casting reports indicate that Ned Stark will be back in Season 6. Since he's very, very dead, he'll show up in a flashback sequence and will be played by Sebastian Croft. Max Von Sydow will be playingthe Three-Eyed Raven, formerly played by Stuan Rodger.
Will We See Any New Characters In Season 6?
Believe is or not, the veteran series will actually see a few new characters come into play during Season 6. Namely, Greyjoy eldest brother Euron Greyjoy seems as if he will be making an appearance in the upcoming episodes. We havent seen much from the Greyjoy family, excepting Theon, recently, but Euron is a force to be reckoned with, a pirate who, in the books, runs the ship Silence, run by individuals with their tongues cut out. Pilou Asbæk has reportedlybeen signed on to play the popular character.Popular actor Ian McShane has also been addedto the cast of Game of Thrones for Season 6. The former Deadwood star is playing a mystery role and he's not the only one. Recently, Richard E. Grantalso signed on for a mysterious role in Season 6 of Game of Thrones . Just before Season 6 premiered, actor Liam Cunningham confirmed that Lyanna Mormont will be a character during Season 6, although we don't know which actress will play her.
So far, we only have the plot descriptions to explain a few of the other new characters. Those descriptions include a dad who sounds like Sams parent Randyll Tarly, the abusive gent who shipped Sam off to the Wall. Samwells mother, sister and brother also seemed to be listed with the initial casting descriptions, and Samwell's brother Dickon Tarly has already been cast. He'll be playedby buff actor Freddie Stroma.
Finally, a character who could either be Septon Meribald or Aeron Greyjoy may be included:
Priest, in his 40s or 50s. A gruff ex-soldier who found religion. Now a no-nonsense rural priest who ministers to the poor of the countryside. Hes salt-of-the-earth man who has weathered many battles.
You can check out the full list here.
Whats The Latest With Jon Snow?
If you watched the Season 5 finale, you probably already know that Jon Snow was stabbed and left to die by members of the Nights Watch. A slew of other people also (likely) died during the episode, and while characters like Stannis and Myrcella are presumably dead (although if George R.R. Martin has his way, Stannis is still breathing), the rumor mill seems to believe that Kit Harington will return for Sesaon 6 of Game of Thrones , possibly rising from the dead to do so. Game of Thrones seemingly confirmed the characters return in November.While the showrunners and Kit Harington have both said that Jon Snow is dead, Harington has been spottedheading to Belfast where the HBO drama shoots. In addition, he hasnt been listedas a fallen character by HBO and his hair is remarkably long for an actor who never loved to maintain his Game of Thrones haircut. Plus scenes from the series indicate the actor, at least will be back.
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