After taking a night off, Arrow 's not just back this week, he's pulling double duty.
's not just back this week, he's pulling double duty. The first part of the super-hyped CW comic-book crossover, Flash vs. Arrow,"aired last night and, as the title suggests, it was more of a superhero showdown than a partnership. The Flash still has a lot to learn. Thankfully, Part II, The Brave and the Bold, is another opportunity for the Green Hood to teach the Red Streak a few crime-fighting lessons. Oh, and its also a venue for even more nods to the DCU...One of the first things I spotted during the trip to Central Cityon Tuesday night was a PalmerTechnologies sign. That company is really growing. Also growing is the CCPD's belief in and contempt for the Red Menace. Irisfinally managed to get Detective Thawneto accept the impossible and then the insufferable boyfriend immediately asks Captain Singhfor a task force to take down the Flash. And presumably the rest of the the S.T.A.R. Labscrew.
Team Flash gets a little assistance from Team Arrowthis week (kind of essential for a crossover), which is perfect timing since the latter knows a thing or two about being hunted by the police. See Season 1. Oliver, Diggleand Felicityprovide the new crime-fighters with more than just advice; they're also able to get the villain-of-the-week's name. Well, Bad-Barry is the villain-of-the-week, but I guess Roy G. Bivolo(or Chroma) deserves some of the credit. Caitlyn calls him the Rainbow Raider, while Cisco prefers Prism. Makes sense, since the show's version kind of combined the two.
Oliver and his bag of trickseventually turn Bad-Barry good again and then the dynamic duo (sorry) make short work of Bivolo. Several other villains were name-dropped during "Flash Vs. Arrow," including Captain Cold, Deathstrokeand the Huntress. Even mirakuruand the islandgot shout-outs, as did Arrow's super-max prison. The biggest twist, though, came in the coffee shop when Oliver ran into the girlhe cheated on Laurel with, and we find out that she decided to keep the child. That, or Ronniere-appearing and bursting into flames. That was good, too.
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