Ratchet And Clank: Into The Nexus Arrives Nov. 12

Ratchet and his ever-wise-cracking mechanical compatriot, Clank, are all set to go on their next big adventure as Insomniac Games announces Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus is heading to PlayStation 3 on Nov.

is heading to PlayStation 3 on Nov. 12.

The Ratchet and Clank series has had a good run on the PlayStation 3 with Tools of Destruction being one of the early showcase pieces for Sony's new hardware shortly after launch. Graphically and gameplay-wise, it was one of those titles that showed off what “next gen” truly means.
The short but sweet follow-up, Quest for Booty served as a nice bridge leading up to the most recent proper entry in the long-running series, A Crack in Time .

While Insomniaceventually took a break from the series (and PlayStation exclusivity) with its next offering, Fuse , it was poorly received by fans and critics alike. While I'd never want a studio to keep working on the same series until the wheels fall off, it seems like more than a few fans in the audience only wanted to sink their teeth into another Ratchet and Clank game. And, thus, they were likely elated when Into the Nexus was announced earlier this year.

Now Insomniac has announceda Nov. 12 launch date, meaning it'll be coming out right around the time a nice chunk of the gaming audience will be shifting its eyes to the PlayStation 4. But maybe they'll reconsider one last hoo-rah on the PlayStation 3, especially considering that Into the Nexus will only set you back $29.99.

As explained by Insomniac Community Lead James Stevenson, Into the Nexus serves as an epilogue to the Ratchet and Clank “Future” games, ending a generation's worth of stories with a shorter dose of gaming goodness.

“Some of you have asked us why we made a shorter Ratchet game,” Stevenson said. “The truth is, we relished this ability to tie a bow on the PS3 era of Ratchet with a shorter title...We have a lot of stories to tell, some longer, some shorter. This one felt just right.”

Stevenson goes on to explain that just because it's shorter doesn't mean it's skimping on what makes the series so love. It'll feature all of the laughs, “planet-hopping [and] guns blazing” of previous entries in the series, just in a more bite-sized package.

For those of you looking to pre-order the game, your bonus will be a suit of Pyronox Armor, which grants a 5 percent damage reduction. Pre-order from Amazon, though, and you'll also receive a boatload of Ratchet and Clank content for PlayStation Home.

There's no telling if we'll see the dynmaic duo in game form again before their big movie debut, so you might want to consider giving Into the Nexus a fair shake come Nov. 12. Otherwise, here's a little background info on how these games are actually made.

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