Open Source LibreOffice 5.0 Office Suite Launches

A new version of the free and excellent open source LibreOffice suite of applications has been made available today as a final release of LibreOffice 5.0.
The new LibreOffice suite is now available to download for free and supports all the main operating system such as Linux, Windows and Mac systems and is available in over 110 languages.

LibreOffice 5

Within LibreOffice 5.0 are the Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base applications and the new LibreOffice 5.0 software includes a version for 64-bit Microsoft Windows systems. The website reads :

LibreOffice is a powerful office suite; Its clean interface and its powerful tools let you unleash your creativity and grow your productivity. LibreOffice embeds several applications that make it the most powerful Free & Open Source Office suite on the market.

One of the largest areas of work in LibreOffice 5.0 is in the VCL toolkit, the graphics toolkit LibreOffice uses for all the widgets and rendering. 5.0 means modernizing and improving several aspects of it and bringing them into line with other cross-platform toolkits.

Jump over to the official LibreOffice website to download for your deferred operating system for free.

Source: LO

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