New PlayStation 4 Update Will Include Remote Play And More

Sony is currently beta testing with select PS4 owners the soon-to-be-released 3.50 firmware update for the PlayStation 4.

Sony is currently beta testing with select PS4 owners the soon-to-be-released 3.50 firmware update for the PlayStation 4. The update contains some significant new features and the implementation of some of the most highly requested system options to date.

Shacknewsquickly breezed through the news about the beta of version 3.50, as the update, codenamed Musashi, is only available to a few select PlayStation 4 owners and they've been able to get in some play time with the new and improved system overhaul.

So what exactly is it that makes this PS4 update so much more special than the rest? Well, on the PlayStation blogthey explain that 3.50 will feature some of the most highly anticipated system-level options available for the PS4, this includes the much talked about Remote Play that will allow PC and Mac users to remote access their PlayStation 4from the comfort of their computer chairs.

This feature arrives quite late after Microsoft made Windows 10 PCs capable of remote accessing Xbox One units by utilizing the cross-platform compatibility of Xbox Live accounts between an Xbox One and Windows 10. The Xbox app on Windows allows gamers to plug in an Xbox One controller to their PC and practically play their Xbox One library from their high-end desktop. The feature was so popular that PlayStationgamers started asking Sony when or if they would do something similar. Sony's worldwide studios president Shuhei Yoshida made it known on Twitter that they would add that kind of support to the PS4 eventually. Well, now it's coming with update 3.50.

They also plan on including Dailymotion live-streaming. This will enable users to easily live-stream content from their PS4 directly to Dailymotion, giving gamers an alternative to YouTube to get their content up and out of the door without worrying about content ID matches and copyright strikes.

Another feature in the update is the one feature that PlayStation 4gamers have been begging Sony for since the PS4 came out back in 2013: the ability to appear offline.

PS4 gamers continually asked to have the option to play online but set their online status to offline. This way they could play various games online but not have to deal with friends or talk to anyone or get friend invites. It's a built-in feature for something like Steam and it seemed like it's been long overdue for Sony to have implemented it in for people gaming on the PlayStation 4, especially considering that Steam is free and you have to pay a monthly (or annual) subscription for PlayStation Plus.

On the more sociable side of the equation, they did add the option to allow users to now have friend notifications activate when they come online. This means that when you want to play with a certain friend you can be notified once they log on. This also ties into the new play together feature where party members can easily schedule and join in on a game that one person in the group is playing. So if you get a notice that someone has come online and they start playing Killzone or Destiny , it's possible for the rest of the party to join in on the action once they get the notice.

The PS4's 3.50 update is not available right now but it will be coming soon.

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